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  1. Bructer

    Another Snow Storm? No April Fool!!

    We woke upto 12" this morning. Cheers,
  2. Bructer

    Dang Tundra

    Do You Know Where Your Car is Made? Listed below are 85 American-made automobiles. Each vehicle listed is built with union labor. But regardless of how you may feel about the labor movement in general, the fact remains that foreign automakers producing in the U.S. predominantly assemble their...
  3. Bructer


    Sign of the times. This is a war we are fighting and it is time for Gods army to soldier up. It will get worse. Cheers,
  4. Bructer

    It's official

    Hangin' was too good for that arsshole. Cheers,
  5. Bructer

    another post to have fun with

    I ride a HD RoadKing and my wife rides a HD Sportster. I only work 3 days a week and I'm only 39 years old. I love to be outside with my animals or cutting wood or just plain keeping busy. Belong to a 13K member ATV club and ride weekly in the mountains. Married 16 years. Church goer.