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  1. heifer_fitter

    crossing cattle with buffalo

    My dad has pictures from the National Western back in the late 60's of a beefalo, it looks just like a buffalo but has red roan shorthorn coloring! He looks like a strawberry icecream cone crossed with a goat, hehehe
  2. heifer_fitter

    Swimming Cows

    You all laugh but one of the best team sorting horses I've ever been around was a mini named Flash, he'd trot right up into the herd of cattle and cut them out w/o any fuss, they thought he was one of them!
  3. heifer_fitter

    TO mnmt:Bull Pic for your challenge--where's yours?

    This is my little guy, first pic he's about 7 months and the second pic was taken a week ago on our run, hes a year old in that picture. I love the little dude!
  4. heifer_fitter

    First twins ever

    awwww cute babies!
  5. heifer_fitter

    confessing mega ignorance

    Well I know for dang sure he's not a maine, just cause he has a red tint and spots means nothing. He could be anything. Im agreeing on a milking x brahman cross. Maines are much prettier fronted, have more muscle and bone and usually have much more hair!
  6. heifer_fitter

    Brahman Heifer Pic

    Hey, if they lived up here they'd loose those funny ears! They'd freeze plumb off!
  7. heifer_fitter

    Would ya'll tell me what ya think?

    a red bull should take most of the white off but you're likely to still have some spots and very likely to have white feet. When comparing most black show maines to black show simmentals our maines usually are slightly smaller framed but not a whole lot. Usually maines have a longer muscle...
  8. heifer_fitter

    What makes Angus better beef?

    Its simple guys, marbling has little to do with tenderness... it has to do with flavor and how moist the meat is. Fat adds flavor and juice. Tenderness on the other hand is genetic, google GeneStar testing and read. They have identified the gene markers for tenderness and marbling as two...
  9. heifer_fitter

    Would ya'll tell me what ya think?

    We do have a few low percentage cows still running around but most all of them are purebreds. I'm not sure if you're involved in the maine breed but, they must be 3/4 or higher to be a purebred. All of our cattle have angus influence, many have a very small amount of foundation chi way back in...
  10. heifer_fitter

    maine anjou french style

    I used to have a few full bloods but they just aren't practical here. Hybrid vigor and show ring appeal usually beats them out. Most of my maines are black but some are red. That one picture that was posted of a maine heifer is not so hot, she is not of the quality that most maine producers are...
  11. heifer_fitter

    Would ya'll tell me what ya think?

    Well I was going to take a picture of his dear old momma, shes a national champion, I guess her back legs were good enough, so I decided against it. He's not fit in that older picture, just good haired. I appreciate all of the comments, its interesting to hear the different oppinions. He does...
  12. heifer_fitter

    maine anjou french style

    Now thats a new one... either you show angus or you show belgian blues... I personally invite you to our ranch to come see 100 maine cows that have anything but flat butts. Not sure what shows you're going to but if its winning it has muscle and a caboose to back it up.
  13. heifer_fitter

    Would ya'll tell me what ya think?

    Thanks so much! I hope more people tell me what they think of him.
  14. heifer_fitter

    Would ya'll tell me what ya think?

    Every one else has their prized babies up here for critique so I thought I'd put my little guy up. The first picture is at two months old and the second is just before Denver, so about 7 months old. He's a May born 2005 out of an Energizer cow and Dr. Who so he's a purebred Maine. He'll be...
  15. heifer_fitter

    australian cattle dogs

    My family has had blue heelers for over 30 years. We had a dalmation and the heelers taught her how to work cows, a pretty amazing thing since she couldn't even learn to lie down on command. I currently have a female that just turned a year and a half, show quality but we wanted her for a pet...