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  1. M

    Aussies . . . Anyone heard of Supergene evaluation system

    Thats right Red Poll 52. Even if one person is stopped from taking up the ludicruous "Supergene" ideas then it will have all been worthwhile. It must be reinvigorated from time to time for just that purpose
  2. M

    Aussies . . . Anyone heard of Supergene evaluation system

    Supergene Pies. Perhaps it would be a case of eat the pastry and throw away the meat. Would the dogs like it though
  3. M

    Aussies . . . Anyone heard of Supergene evaluation system

    This is what Redpoll52 says If its true then the SUPERGENE "grace" spoken before a meal is " Please Dear God sharpen my teeth so I can chew this tough old "SUPERGENE" beef.
  4. M

    Aussies . . . Anyone heard of Supergene evaluation system

    Ive just been told that in Australia Supergene graded meat is used in meat pies. Meat Pies are made of pastry with a bit of ground up meat and gravy in the middle. Only the poorest grades of meat are used.
  5. M

    You like red??

    I wonder if the Supergene Advocates have heard of the thin tail is more fertile theory. Perhaps they have but dont have thin tailed cattle to sell (push onto) to others.
  6. M

    Aussies . . . Anyone heard of Supergene evaluation system

    Ive been away for a while but i can assure Keren and Zingaah that there is a system the "Supergene" people use. Ive got a copy but can't locate it at present time but Red Poll52 is correct when he says it is split into four sections. For Two thousand Aussie Dollars anyone can be taught how to...
  7. M

    Aussies . . . Anyone heard of Supergene evaluation system

    I'm not sure if the Supergene evaluators give extra marks for tippy ears but they downgrade any animal with hairy ears in contrast to clean ones. It is a demonstration of the type they prefer. According to the evaluators the more an animal looks like a milking cow the better and I have heard...
  8. M

    Aussies . . . Anyone heard of Supergene evaluation system

    What is the Supergene evaluation system asks Bonsman. It is a system that gives a score to bulls, cows and calves. About three quarter of the total score is for functionality particularly dairy traits. How you can accurately predict the teats that the offspring will have when they are looking...
  9. M

    Tail Length and fertility

    Supergene advocates wouldn't understand the phrase "Common Sense" as there is no allowances for anything but their ideas.
  10. M

    Tail Length and fertility

    Bet you couldn't convince the "Supergene" advocates of that RedPoll52. They believe that short tails are less productive and that is just not true. My old cow had 19 calves and a short tail whereas my "Supergene" types with there long tails couldn't make it past ten years and always left calves...
  11. M

    You like red??

    Near the top of this page is a picture of a fine looking heifer in my opinion but a SUPERGENE advocate would say don't breed from it as it has a short tail and short tailed animals are unproductive. That is typical of the B...S... that comes out of PC and his mates.
  12. M

    Red Poll

    Longevity is one of many good traits. My longest surviving cow had 19 good calves and 1 that died of unknown causes at 6 weeks of age. Beware of any SUPERGENE semen that may be about. You wont last long as a Red Poll person if you use that, but from what I'm told there is very little if any of...
  13. M

    What do you think of this bull?

    Pity that semen cant come to NZ as we need more non "Supergene" types that actually crrry some Beef. We need to try and rectify the problems created by those cattle somehow
  14. M

    Rat Tail???

    Many years ago we had a problem in our sheep breeding programme with lambs born with excessive wool, about two inches long. They were usually twins and one was always often much larger than the other. They were always poor doers, and very vulnerable to stormy weather at birth but eventually they...
  15. M

    Aussies . . . Anyone heard of Supergene evaluation system

    Hi Zingaah Ive got a couple of photos of Supergene approved cows with calves at foot if your interested. Just PM me with your Email.
  16. M

    Rat Tail???

    I dont understand why alacattleman would refer to Redpoll52s remarks as B...S... but one thing for sure the SUPERGENE System is real B...S...
  17. M

    Aussies . . . Anyone heard of Supergene evaluation system

    That is easy RedPoll52. Just type the words " What do you think of this bull" into the Google box that is at the bottom of each Forum Page. Then visit the relevant page when the Google list comes up. It should be at the top.
  18. M

    Aussies . . . Anyone heard of Supergene evaluation system

    Zingaah has got me right , the one with the beef on him
  19. M

    Aussies . . . Anyone heard of Supergene evaluation system

    That is a fine looking bull Jovid despite some minor negative comments.Those comments would fade to insignificance if the SUPERGENE people got to have a say about him. They wouldn't even have to view him before condemning him.