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  1. rancherswife

    Your Favorite Tree

    I have a question about a tree I saw in New Mexico. Maybe somebody will know what kind of tree it was. We saw it the first week of August. It had a pretty big leaf on it and an old man told me it gets these huge blooms in the spring. If I remember right he said they were purple or pink with...
  2. rancherswife

    Bull Attends Birth Of Calf

    PURDY BABY!!! I loved the family portrait too :lol:
  3. rancherswife

    what are you neglecting...

    I was just sitting here reading and posting. Then I started thinking I should be working on getting everything ready for the tax guy. Then I'm thinking I really should go get a load of grain. I do have some laundry to do....I should be raking the dog "gifts" up out in the yard nawww the wind is...
  4. rancherswife

    Please help the Dummy!

    You guys are makin me soooo smart I even figured out how to make my own avatar!! :lol: I caught the ole bull nappin and thought it would be a good one. Thanks again for all the help ;-)
  5. rancherswife

    IN the feed

    I think she's saying "It's all mine I tell ya MINE MINE MINE" :lol:
  6. rancherswife

    Please help the Dummy!

    THANK YOU!!!!! I think I got it now. I did notice from that last post I don't spell very well either :oops: Thanks again!
  7. rancherswife

    Please help the Dummy!

    I can't figure out how to shrink my pics. I load them straight from my camera but I am a computer dummy. When I download them to photo bucket they are HUGH. Is there a simple way to make them smaller? I mean that a dummy like me can understand. Maybe if one of you can explain it to me in small...