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  1. S

    I am super sad.

    I am really sorry for your loss and my heart goes out to you and his family and friends.. super big hugs...
  2. S

    Good update on my daughter

    Had a meeting this morning with her and her clinician. Her attitude as far as her brother and I go hasn't changed much. But her complaints were that she was over whelmed by the school work and bullying going at school and as far as home life, she complained that I was always bugging her about...
  3. S

    Parenting advice wanted.. if anyone can relate..

    When she comes homes this time she will not have one "luxury" to her name. She will get only the required necessities by law and I have added the date suggestion give her and i time to get to know each other again. I do tell her that she is the one choosing to do what she has done, no one...
  4. S

    Parenting advice wanted.. if anyone can relate..

    We HAD a pretty good relationship up until the summer of 2012. Thats when she stopped talking to her dad, thats when her dads brother passed (she didn't know him) but he decided without telling the kids that he was moving back to west Texas to be closer to his family. We found out on his face...
  5. S

    Parenting advice wanted.. if anyone can relate..

    look if i raised my kids the way i was raised and the only way i know... i'd be in jail.... so doing this the "right" way for you maybe as easy as putting on a hat..but to me its like learning French from a spanish teacher... eventually i will understand.. but it's harder when you have NOTHING...
  6. S

    Parenting advice wanted.. if anyone can relate..

    will have to be something cheap and local.... will give it some serious thought on what i know she'd love to do.. thanks so much for the advice.. :) super biggest hugs to all that replied..
  7. S

    Parenting advice wanted.. if anyone can relate..

    "Date night with daddy". is what she wants and can't ever have... its different with Dads and daughters just like it is different with Moms n sons... she never wants to do anything.. i ask she says nothing.. literally.. i get the are you for real? look a lot.. which is why i make them go...
  8. S

    Parenting advice wanted.. if anyone can relate..

    In the bible it says that the father will be the one who directs the family in prayer and guidance.. well all the things God divided up between mother and father are now all on my shoulders.. so many verses running through my head and I know He will watch over us even when we are in doubt... big...
  9. S

    Parenting advice wanted.. if anyone can relate..

    forgive me but i had to look this up so i didn't say it wrong... Matthew 18:20 New International Version (NIV) 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” My "church" is going fishing... being out in all the things that God created for me as a human to enjoy and respect...
  10. S

    Parenting advice wanted.. if anyone can relate..

    no we are not affiliated with any church.. long story on the kids side... mine is easier .. i don't like the politics involved.. if I go to church every chance I get ..don't hound me because I have to work on Sunday morning and can't help boost your Sunday School attendance... My kids have seen...
  11. S

    Parenting advice wanted.. if anyone can relate..

    Thanks Ouachita and yes this is the most challenging thing I have ever gone through as well.. and my life has been like a really bad roller coaster.. lots of twists and turns and ups and downs .. most people will say "that's just life" mine has double and triple teamed me a lot. I have been on...
  12. S

    Parenting advice wanted.. if anyone can relate..

    I have always told both the younger ones that they can be anything they want to be and if they don't like what they have chosen.. pick something else. No law says you HAVE to stay with one particular field.. but no matter what they want to do with their life..they have to have an education...
  13. S

    Parenting advice wanted.. if anyone can relate..

    Thank your daughter Tux and cross_7 that is great advice and pretty much has me in this mess.. I did lead by working hard and staying on the right side of the law, ect. But I am my own worst enemy and that has passed on to her and now its a "battle royale" over "she isn't like me at all", but...
  14. S

    Parenting advice wanted.. if anyone can relate..

    son that lives at home is also Capricorn like now its gets even more interesting... others r grown and on their own..
  15. S

    Parenting advice wanted.. if anyone can relate..

    I like to dabble in a lot of things ;) curious and I have the internet.... dangerous combo imho ;) i have 5 kids 2 girls 3 boys... oldest is a girl and youngest is a girl ..both girls aquarians...sons are Capricorn Virgo and Aries
  16. S

    Parenting advice wanted.. if anyone can relate..

    Jan 27th.. she is almost 14... I am Capricorn and she is Aquarius so we already knew there would be a strain just from that aspect :(
  17. S

    Rough but good day

    Thats a good name for your new dog :) and I am sure he will work very well for you once he gets used to his new home :) super big hugs and hope your wife is ok after being knocked off her feet... extra hug for her ;)
  18. S

    Parenting advice wanted.. if anyone can relate..

    As some of you know, I am having a very rough time with my daughter. I have told her through out her life so far to not be like me and of course she insists she is NOTHING like me. But yet just about everything she has done is almost a duplicate of me.. It sickens me to see her going down a dark...
  19. S

    Rough day

    Super big hugs and I bet the cows will miss him almost as much as you.. God bless ya'll :heart:
  20. S

    Waiting For A Call

    I don't know of anyone on this earth that i "hate". i have a list of people that i dislike immensely though. But you aren't on that list, no one in this forum is because I believe everyone has a right to their own opinion. MY only issue was when I first came here and people thought I was a troll...