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  1. TominTX

    Ok, which one of you is this?

    I'm considering waking my girls up to help me do this tomorrow morning. It's only supposed to be a pleasant 104 degrees tomorrow... besides what could possibly go wrong? Ya'll think we could knock out a couple of hundred bales in a day?
  2. TominTX

    Spring Grass

    We're looking at low 90's this weekend. We had a hail storm last week but I went out and checked the gauge after and we had less than a quarter inch. :( It's filling in nicely, green and thick but if we hit 90's and don't get an inch or two of rain soon to go with it, we're going to have a...
  3. TominTX

    Disking in oats

    Hey Guru. Where in TX are you and how did the dialed oats do last year? I know I'm late on the thread but I disked in about 10 acres yesterday , mixed with crimson and arrowhead clover and then we finally got some rain today so I'm hoping for something good.
  4. TominTX

    Best place to buy Granular Fertilizer?

    Hi All - I've got about 25 acres in Central Texas (North of BCS) with a mix of Bermuda and native grasses (and weeds of course). Just had a soil test come back recommending 55 lbs N, 20 lbs Phosphorus and 15 lbs Potassium per acre. I'm planning to go with granules because I already have a...