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  1. N

    This weed/vine laughs at regular strength glyphosate.

    Crossbow kills my bittersweet which laughs at Gly. You can buy it at tractor supply.
  2. N

    Biblical rainfall and feeding hay....

    I use gravel currently, but am considering pouring concrete around my rings to keep them out of the mud.
  3. N

    Cut grass for fear of smothering alfalfa?

    Thanks SOB. I feel better going this route too. You confirmed my thinking.
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    Cut grass for fear of smothering alfalfa?

    I've got a 3yr old pure grass stand that I cut in August. I followed that up with an alfalfa seeding using a no-till drill. Got good rains and a good catch. The grasses are up a good 8-10 inches and the alfalfa is around an inch. Should I cut the field with the mower high to avoid damaging...
  5. N

    Army Worms

    That's an awfully cute army worm! My little girl is 16 now, it was just yesterday that she was that big. :(
  6. N

    Not so free hay barn

    Wow! That adds some value to the farm. Gotta love a steel framed barn that size with a clear span!
  7. N

    Price for cutting and baling hay

    I’m paying $35 a roll. Wish it was lower but I’ve only got 5 acres.
  8. N

    No-till drill into existing stand

    I took my second cutting off a week ago. It was cut tight to the ground. I'm renting a no-till to drill in some alfalfa next weekend, so this field will have had around 2 weeks of growth since cutting. Any problems with the 2 weeks of growth and no-tilling? Its a pretty big drill, requires...
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    My dad started a 10 acre field fire when I was a kid by burning trash outside in a burn barrel. The local fire department had to come out and put it out with all of their off road equipment. And the best dad was a volunteer firefighter for that department. Imaging the razzing he got!
  10. N

    Another reason to spray........

    I used this method when clearing/killing established oriental bittersweet vines. Round Up (gly) works well and does get absorbed into the stump. Go full strength though on the Round Up.
  11. N

    Drill in alfalfa or start over new?

    I’ll be watching the rain to get the best germination possible. I’ve had good success planting pastures and food plots in August with adequate rainfall.
  12. N

    Drill in alfalfa or start over new?

    Sounds like drilling into the grass is the way I'm going. Would early August be too early? Weatherman says the hottest days of summer are over with cooler weather expected the second half.
  13. N

    Drill in alfalfa or start over new?

    I’ve got a three year old stand of a grass mix hay field (planted originally for horses). I was planning on burning it off after my next cutting and have a friend disc it up and drill in a mix with alfalfa. However another cattle friend had the county extension recommended drilling alfalfa into...
  14. N

    Best way ?

    Looks great to me!
  15. N

    Chicken Litter

    My dad was a volunteer firefighter back in the day. He had a large hen house burn down that they had to fight. The litter smell with the water was unbearable he said, worse than burned flesh.
  16. N

    25% moisture hay

    I've stuck a good sample of the hay in question with a steel rod. The rod has been warm but not so much I couldn't hold it in the palm of my hand. My Belties are suppose to do well on crappy forage, so we will see. If my next cutting is good and dry, I'll switch it out with the wet stuff and...
  17. N

    well, my almost-free-hay turned out to be a problem..

    Come on, nothing more fun than a fall hunting romp through cocklebur then MFR!
  18. N

    Bought all my hay this year

    Does he deliver to Michigan?? :o
  19. N

    25% moisture hay

    No carmelization. Just an occasional mold spot.
  20. N

    25% moisture hay

    I had driven a steel rod into one of the bales last night and just checked it this morning. Warm but not hot to the touch. I’ll keep sampling bales and see if I find any hot ones. I do have two barn fans moving air so that will help.