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  1. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    But then she wouldn't have any company. Wow, you're just a bowl full of sarcasm, ain't you? :yuck: I feel sorry for anyone that lives with you. You're a putz :lol2:
  2. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    I wish I could but this guy is determined to slaughter her for food. I can't do anything about it. :cry2:
  3. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    I am not the type of person that is a follower, maybe you are? It was suggested to me to ignore stupid comments, but that's difficult because people like you should be wiped off the face of the earth. I bet you go to church also? They are the worst offenders. You might think that you're funny...
  4. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    I thought so too, but now since I have discovered so much about this freak, I am afraid of getting a horse because of what he might do to it lol :lol2:
  5. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    Is he from Two Egg, Florida? Actually he was born in Oklahoma and relatives outta Missouri and Arkansas also. I do not know what "two-egg" Florida means lol
  6. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    Ok, thanks. What most people do not realize is that text can and does get misinterpreted because tone of voice is not heard. So thanks for clarifying. I appreciate the tip about the goats being escape artists. I know the negative one will not fix the fences up for a goat so I guess I will...
  7. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    Thank you for your kind reply. Ever since her pasture buddy died I have been going to Tractor Supply weekly and buying her alfalfa cubes meant for cows :lol2: just so I can go down there and give her some "treats" and keep her company. She loves them and she loves me. She dances and she also...
  8. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    Some of you people really have me shaking my head. :roll: You do NOT know my situation. There are two others involved. I have no income. I am a caretaker of a 90 yo veteran because I refuse to put him in a nursing home. So please go and judge someone else. :pretty:
  9. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    I went and bought the hay and I am going to make sure she gets more when needed. This guy seems to do nothing around here lol That's kinda funny because before I unmasked him he was doing things, though half assed. Now his game is exposed and he is like a skinned cat. :bang:
  10. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    You're the 2nd person that is assuming I am younger. I was curious as to why? I am 51. Is it because I use the funny icons on the side? I am one of those types of people that enjoy being happy/funny and making people smile. :lol: That's how I attracted the demon. They are drawn to what is...
  11. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    You're a trip. I am not making "excuses" I am speaking FACTS. I would highly suggest that you find God and I don't mean that in the fake way that most people who pretend to exalt God do. I am not fake, I sent pictures of the dam_N Bovine for Pete's sake? lol :clap: Want more? LOL :deadhorse: I...
  12. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    This was taken with hardly a cloud around for miles. I am posting this for all the nice people with HEARTS that replied to my pleas for help. Have a good day. Goodbye :heart:
  13. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    With all due respect that's easy for someone to say when they are NOT in my situation. I am sure you have income. I am sure you are living all comfy and cozy. Many people are not and many people do not have the luxuries to up and move when they so desire. There are 2 other people involved and...
  14. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    I posted the pictures and two extra for laughs. I need to go now because I just read some BS on here with people accusing me of things they are probably doing themselves. What ever happened to people? Oh, yeah, I know... THE TELEVISION.... I threw my television out the window 14 years ago. I am...
  15. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    I finally posted the pics. I am sorry if my stuff is all over the place. I know nothing about posting in forums and now just read someone "accusing" me of some :bs: on here because they need drama and get off on hurting people. :clap: Have a good day and thanks again :santa:
  16. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    I have the pictures that I took the morning before I bought the hay for her. I also got a brainstorm. Can't cows get along with goats? Maybe I could talk (lol) to the sociopath and convince him to get a goat for her for a pasture companion ?? Will this work with one goat and one cow? She is so...
  17. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    :wave: Wow, I am attempting to upload the pics of the bovine and I cannot login to from their mobile website!!! Will try again later, I've got an appointment to get to. I am really curious what breed she is :wave:
  18. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    Going to upload it tomorrow. Having issues with my "smart" phone lol :help: HEY!! I loved Billy Jack!! The spirit portrayed in him in that movie is basically what I've got in me. Demon Slayer!! :D :heart: :pretty:
  19. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    Yup, you're clever. :clap: I really can't use my real name, because it's unique and too many weirdos online. lol :roll:
  20. N

    Is my cow going to starve?

    I purchased some square hay bales for her this morning. He is going to get her the huge round bales soon. I appreciate your concern. I have learned my lesson with this guy. All men are not the same and I am not a man hater, I just got really hoodwinked with this one. I can't move, he can't move...