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  1. Keren

    royal show next week

    Cattle were clipped yesterday and they look fantastic :-) big lesson for them, they had their first bath and had the blower on them and went in the clipping frame. And the other thing i'm pleased about is that I was held up at work so the clipper and the owner did all the handling and they were...
  2. Keren

    royal show next week

    Thanks everyone :-) cattle are being clipped tomorrow, i'm going shopping for the last few things today, will pack the show box monday, all I gotta do now is hope that a t comb and couple cans of glue i've ordered from eastern states can get here by friday. I'll definitely post pictures :-)
  3. Keren

    royal show next week

    Ha ha that makes me feel better knersie! Least mine have been on the halter ... Three times. Realised yesterday i'd better go shopping I don't have any feed or water buckets ... Kinda important ...
  4. Keren

    royal show next week

    ... And i'm nervous! Never before been so nervous at the prospect of an upcoming show - I feel a bit silly :-) I have three heifers a bull and a handful of penned steers that will arrive at the show next week thursday. Still haven't got them clipped. Bull still tries to kill me every now and...
  5. Keren

    Four states fair results

    WOO! Congratulations! :-D
  6. Keren

    Ready for show

    Good luck! I love the look on the heifers face on the foot trimming table :-) lmfao. Is that pinkie pie?
  7. Keren

    Soooo spoiled!

    Mine do the same :-)
  8. Keren

    Soooo spoiled!

    Smack them on the nose if they are invading your personal space. But no, not really. Best is to just not spoil them too much in the first place. Love them, but instill respect and discipline.
  9. Keren

    how well do they remember?

    Hills, i'd like to think its a little of both ;-) i'd flatter myself that i'm pretty good at it (lot of experience) and these cattle although they aren't well handled or tame in any way, they are very intelligent. Re the bull, I opted not to do any more leading with him until his ring is put in...
  10. Keren

    Just Curious

    Curious now about the way your showmanship classes go :-) often our judges will take the show sticks off the handlers for a couple of laps. I have also seen judges ask handlers to parade with the left hand, and to walk the animals around the ring in the opposite direction. I have seen judges ask...
  11. Keren

    Just Curious

    Its an accepted practice here, even in handlers classes, that if your animal wants to rush then you bring the show stick in front of its nose, that will usually slow them down and if not a LITTLE tap on the nose will. Sounds like that girl was getting carried away though and just taking out her...
  12. Keren

    how well do they remember?

    Oh they remember alright :-) the girls were perfect angels. The younger chocolate heifer, I put the halter on her in the yard. The bull and the silver heifer led straight out of the crush, previously hadn't been led, just tied for a day two weeks ago. Got the show stick on them. Only problem...
  13. Keren

    how well do they remember?

    Er ... Yeah ... I wasn't really after halter breaking advice as i've done plenty of that ... :-/ ... ... Hills LMFAO you are mean :-P i'm sure my girls will be little angels when I see them tomorrow
  14. Keren

    pics of this years group

    Very nice :-) something about that first little red heifer really catches my eye
  15. Keren

    how well do they remember?

    Ok so i'm wondering ... How well do you reckon cattle remember things? Two weeks ago I went and broke those heifers in ... A day and a bit and they were leading like champions. The other two I just tied and let them fight the pole. I'll be working them again this weekend after two weeks of...
  16. Keren

    excited :-)

    Think the bull is about twelve months - not a great photo, he's a very tall long stretchy bull. The silver heifer is eighteen months, the light chocolate heifer is fifteen and the dark chocolate heifer is twelve :-)
  17. Keren

    excited :-)

    Thanks so much :-) open to comments/critiques on them of course. Always interested to see what people think
  18. Keren

    Bathing/Conditioning/Training Hair

    Well i'm usually very simple about it, and I never have a problem training hair. Maybe my cattle just naturally have good hair. Then again we don't try to mimic highlands like you guys seem to. I brush morning and night, wash once a week, rinse daily if weather permits. I only blow dry with the...
  19. Keren

    excited :-)

    Hills, would you mind bringing the photos across here from facebook? I don't have access to a computer at the moment, only my phone.
  20. Keren

    excited :-)

    Yep murray grey. I've got some pics but will probably be a few days before I get them up. Got the two chocolate heifers properly broke. The bull and silver heifer weren't quite ready to lead, and I didn't want to drive three hours home in the dark so i'll be back in two weeks time to finish...