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  1. H

    Grass producers: COGS, time to market, finishing greens

    Interesting. Maybe I should rephrase my question. How does one accomplish any meaningful due dilligence to determine the profit potential of grass-fed from a business perspective? That is basically what I am trying to learn at this point. Thanks!
  2. H

    Grass producers: COGS, time to market, finishing greens

    I posted this in the Beginners forum with no response...maybe this is the better place. For those of you who run grass-fed operations, what do you find is an average cost of goods sold per pound (leaving out any labor costs)? Also, what is the typically market cycle (in days) from...
  3. H

    Grass-fed producers: COGS, time to market, finishing greens

    For those of you who run grass-fed operations, what do you find is an average cost of goods sold per pound (leaving out any labor costs)? Also, what is the typically market cycle (in days) from birth/purchase to finish to slaughter for your grass operation? Finally, what do you use to...
  4. H

    Grass fed, low input local operation in Middle TN

    Bluestem, as you went through the process of breed selection, what criteria did you use? What drew you to Red Angus? Do you market directly to consumers or through other channels? Thanks!
  5. H

    Grass fed, low input local operation in Middle TN

    I am looking for those who have experience in producing for your local market; specifically if yours is an organic or psuedo- organic production. I am considering a small scale, low input system with grass and hay/silage only and minimal to no chemical intervention to produce for local folks on...