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  1. Ky hills

    Anybody familiar with Barn2door?

    We "met" with a couple young men from the Barn2door over a video call like Skype or FaceTime a while ago. From what I can gather it's a situation that sets up a website for you to market from for a subscription fee. They are headquartered out of Nashville.
  2. Ky hills

    Anybody familiar with Barn2door?

    My first thoughts are in line with what @Dsth said, I really don’t want a middleman, and it seems like there’s always somebody trying to make money off of our cattle and farm other than us and I get tired of it. @dave_shelby I’m kinda interested in what it turns out to be too, I just don’t see...
  3. Ky hills

    Anybody familiar with Barn2door?

    Friday my wife got a call from a man representing Barn2door. Said he had seen either our Facebook farm page or maybe it was our farm website and was asking her how many cattle we had and if we ever sold any direct for beef. She was working and didn’t have time to really have to discuss much. I...
  4. Ky hills


    We have two spring fed ponds, and have a “city water” fed waterer in one field, and in a field close to the house we run water in a tank with a garden hose. Nothing like going to bed and wondering if I turned the water off or not, made a many a trip out to look. We think our rural water is...
  5. Ky hills


    I’m not sure about that one in the picture as far as whether it runs all time or not but it does pretty much all time. When we kept a man made pool open right there at the hole it stayed open even in drought conditions, but since it’s filled in with mud there now it gets down to a smaller area...
  6. Ky hills


    Yes, yes, and yes, Have had a 500 lb steer fall in one, neighbors dog found him and we were able to get him out alive. I’ve had a 200 lb calf in one that we were able to pull out and also a baby calf a few days old. Thankfully have never had one die from falling in. Have had a calf break a leg...
  7. Ky hills


    Not in my recent memory, though I'm sure in severe drought conditions it does. On down the branch does dry up in the summer during extended dry spells, but there's always some water right there just below that hole at the bottom of the hill. It stays open during the winter too and doesn't freeze...
  8. Ky hills


    Other day I posted about falling in a sinkhole, and in the conversations underground water and springs were mentioned. Here is one of our springs that is the start of a branch that goes through our property and couple others before becoming a sizable creek a little ways down. There has been a...
  9. Ky hills


    We started out looking at atvs a few years ago, and pretty quickly realized how much more we could do with a side x side. They both have their place, but overall the side x side is more useful to us.
  10. Ky hills

    A big shout out to my Amish neighbors

    That's a shame to have to deal with. My cousin has a farm by a subdivision and he had as much trouble with people as he did dogs. Neighborhood kids tried to catch and ride his horses. Kids shot up his barn and shot the windshield out of an old 60's model cattle truck. We used to have an awful...
  11. Ky hills

    A big shout out to my Amish neighbors

    Yeah, the actual backstory to why my wife got into the story and called the people, stemmed from a conversation we tried to have with the sister in law about farming practices. She had seen an online video of dairy calves being mistreated. Tried telling her that if it was anything to it it was...
  12. Ky hills

    A big shout out to my Amish neighbors

    Reminds me of last year, my wife’s sister in law at the time ( she’s now divorcing ) had shared some kind of post bashing a particular breeder of dogs. They were telling people not buy from them and telling how horrible the conditions were. My wife knows that sometimes people give others a bad...
  13. Ky hills

    A big shout out to my Amish neighbors

    Yes, lots of differing rules amongst the various Amish communities. Many different beliefs and views among Baptists too. I'll make a post in the politics and religion section on this subject so as not to take away from the focal point if this thread.
  14. Ky hills


    There’s been two or 3 zebras to sell at an area stockyards over the last few months.
  15. Ky hills

    Too close for comfort.

    I’m glad it wasn’t any worse than it was. Horns are definitely dangerous. I prefer to have all polled or dehorned cattle but we have two with horns currently.
  16. Ky hills

    Sometimes you just do stupid stuff!

    I used to go to barber, but then try to get mileage out of haircut by trimming the back and sides for a while. Since I’ve been married my wife has been cutting it. In the summer I’d prefer darn near shaved off, but she likes some hair left. One time she cut it and got to trying to get it evened...
  17. Ky hills

    Fancy eatin

    We have our own beef so we eat pretty good lots of times at home. We have laying hens so we eat a lot eggs. I try to raise a garden too. It’s so expensive to eat out we try not to do that much. Our town doesn’t really have a lot of options outside of fast food chains and Mexican restaurants. So...
  18. Ky hills

    Fancy eatin

    That’s how we are, we rarely go out to eat much. We looked over the menu online and had the conversation before we went about what we were going to order. Wife seriously considered some kind of fettuccini (not sure how to spell that). Then she decided since it was a place known for its steaks...
  19. Ky hills

    Fancy eatin

    Wife and and I were given a gift card to a fancy restaurant, by some very generous guests at our BnB. We made reservations for today. Wife got an appetizer, salad, cheeseburger, baked potato and dessert. I got an 8oz filet mignon, with salad and baked potato. It was advertised as prime beef...
  20. Ky hills

    What would you do?

    I think it only allows for about 3 seconds worth of video, atleast that’s all I’ve been able to post.