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  1. Boot Jack Bulls

    Public School used to be so simple.

    Open enrollment has been an option for at least 20 years now. In fact, myself and all of my siblings utilized the program at one point or another, and my daughter is open enrolled currently. The district we reside in would be reason enough for us to move at this point if she was forced to attend...
  2. Boot Jack Bulls


    Good trick for defrosting a frost free hydrant (or automatic waterers for that matter) is to use a hair dryer. They move a ton of air, don't generally melt plastic, and most people have one hiding away somewhere. For hydrants, I put a plastic barrel with ends cut out over the hydrant, point a...
  3. Boot Jack Bulls


    -25 without windchill here this morning at 6 am. Add in the seemingly constant breeze, and we are COLD. It's been a week now for us with high temps at 10 degrees or less. Knock on wood, our auto waterers are holding tough, stock is healthy and the dogs only need a heater in the barn office at...
  4. Boot Jack Bulls

    Filson Chute

    ...I had a Priefert and hated it. Too narrow, too short, too lightly made, not enough optional add-ons and found the scissors catch a pain in the **s and I've had animals that were strong enough to release on their own (rather un-nerving when you are clipping their face off!). I also don't like...
  5. Boot Jack Bulls

    Well, isn't this cute

    I have a couple of pairs of the purple/red/black ones. They do the job. I have since decided to calve in March/April, so I don't find I use them much anymore.... Hopefully I did not just jinx myself....
  6. Boot Jack Bulls

    Well, isn't this cute

    Not ridiculous at all up here. They go on with a calf coat when needed. Saturday we had down pours of rain, then full snow 30 minutes later, and back to rain shortly thereafter. This morning it was -8 when I woke up. They look dumb, but a live calf is worth it to me....
  7. Boot Jack Bulls

    Well, isn't this cute

    They are necessary up here a large portion of the time, we've been using them for years. Never had an issue with them coming off or cows pulling them off, but I'm sure it could happen. Plus, it's hard to show a January born heifer in the May born class when she's got no ears! ;-)
  8. Boot Jack Bulls


    It's been unseasonably cold here this "fall". Very wet, some beans harvested on high ground, absolutely ZERO corn off the fields. Hopefully the ground freezes soon so the corn can get combined and we can purchase our corn stalk bales for winter bedding. We winterized waterers last weekend and...
  9. Boot Jack Bulls

    2 Wisconsin brothers missing

    This is beyond disgusting, but in reality, if a body where run through something like a TMR, their would be a lot of evidence left in the various cracks and crevices associated with a piece of machinery like that.... :cry: BTW... this highlights a need for a puke face emoji as never before!!!
  10. Boot Jack Bulls


    Be sure to report back to us! I am truly curious what is the cause. Also, best of luck to your crew at Jr Nats!!!!
  11. Boot Jack Bulls


    Moles? (Not the kind that live in the ground)
  12. Boot Jack Bulls

    Jayme Closs found............

    Who is "cross"? And I think that the sentiment was in regards to the fact that the Closs family never saw this coming... I am happy that Jayme never has to wonder if he can hurt her again...
  13. Boot Jack Bulls

    Jayme Closs found............

    More like 75! Two life sentences + 40 years, with no possibility of parole...he's only in his mid-twenties...
  14. Boot Jack Bulls

    Jayme Closs found............

    Wanted to update this.... Jayme's kidnapper and the killer of her parents has been sentenced. He will never walk free again. Glad so see this wrapped up quickly and some modicum of justice served!
  15. Boot Jack Bulls

    Snowplow Parenting

    I am a child of the mid-eighties (no, I do NOT consider myself a Millenial!) and have a 5 year old daughter. I was farm/ranch raised, and I plan to ensure my child can say the same. Do I work hard to make her life easier? Yes! She has her own dog, goats, horses and herd of cattle. She enjoys...
  16. Boot Jack Bulls

    Jayme Closs found............

    Small world TG!
  17. Boot Jack Bulls

    Jayme Closs found............

    This happened literally a handful of miles from where I sit right now. I drive by that house (on a large, very busy highway) about every two weeks. I have friends, family and co-workers who took part in the searches. Based on information newly released and some that I have known for a while...
  18. Boot Jack Bulls

    Have Mercy

    Holm, does that picture reflect your current snow pack??? Between the recent rain and more recent mild temps (we hit the 30s above today!!!), we have almost none left. Luckily, it has been pretty cold her for the last week, so we aren't fighting the mud like some are (we also reduced stocking...
  19. Boot Jack Bulls

    Current Weather

    Redcows, you must be south of me. We lost all our snow to the rain, then got a bit more snow. We didn't try to scrape the slush off anything but the sidewalk the other day, because that became glare ice as soon as we did it. We are lucky that we only have to put hay out about once a week in the...
  20. Boot Jack Bulls

    Current Weather

    We got a couple of inches of snow last night, rain all day, more snow coming tonight, and temps in the teens coming over the weekend...gross!