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    Do You Invoice Your Sales?

    Huh? What are you talking about? Money? What money? How many cows? Huh? What cows? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Bez>
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    Then give her natural. Some straight hamburger with onions and a touch of garlic. Dress the burger down to taste. Start there and experiment. You might be surprized at what happens. Bez>
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    Mike As an old guy I was thinking on your page of music - then she had to go and spoil it. Drat! Ruined the vicarious thoughts of this one time hunk now turned rusting hulk. I think I will go out and kick a pebble around. Meanest person I ever met - my brother - he refused to let me...
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    Farmhouse in Europe

    Great pic. I have spent a lot of time in Europe and the farms are small as a rule - very well run and usually have an amazing variety of things growing - making for that nice secret for survival - cash flow. Plus - there is a ton of government money supporting the farm. Europeans are very...
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    Do You Invoice Your Sales?

    Cash is king and if you want an invoice I give you one. Bez>
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    Chick Magnet

    ...a ratty old T-shirt that asked - "Want some? - Anytime Baby!" I walked past some killer babes at about 0800 and said hello - they gave me the - "*&%$*&^%$ off you dirty old man!" look. I walked over to my vehicle - fired it up and did a 15 minute airshow practise. When I landed the babes...
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    Speeding ticket from 2002

    Us men tend to prioritize things. The most important thing is always on our mind - other stuff tends to get filed. I will be no more explicit that that. 8) Rain here - no hay cutting today. Bez>
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    Speeding ticket from 2002 and clear. Life will go on - not a pleasant way to do business - but if I put myself in the place of the clerk - she deals with a ton of as**oles every day - glad I do not have her job. No matter ow nice you are to her, she is pre-conditioned - not really her fault. Otherwise, sometime...
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    About cell phones..

    The big ones. Forget the contract. You are hog tied for years in some cases. Just go out and buy the telephones and use them. That way if you do not like the service from a provider, you can change, Sign a contract to get free telephones and you are committed - the darned contract is like a...
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    Chick Magnet

    Nope I am waiting for a part to be delivered so I can cut tomorrow morning - will install it tonight. Should be here in about 20 minutes - then one hour at the discbine and then shower and bed. If the conditions are right I will knock down about 50 - 75 more acres of hay tomorrow. Hope to start...
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    Chick Magnet

    You two behave yourselves. And Aaron - get that young lady under control. :lol: Bez>
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    Whats in the back of your truck?

    Six square feet of carpet - to lay on when I work on equipment, a big tool box, mails, old rotten hay and straw, sledge hammer, crow bar, grease gun, case of grease, oil, twine, rope and chains. Plus - a complete set of my daughters clothes - cut off in the emergency room this morning at 0100...
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    Miscellaneous pics

    You must eat some - I love the stuff! Bez>
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    Lunatic? I resemble that remark. Bez>
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    Takes a strong stomach but - Here is what I did: First I whipped the dog for a bit - first with my belt and then with the chicken. Then I duct taped the chicken to the dog - tight to the neck so he could not grab it - for about a week. Kept the dog tied the whole time. It will make the dog...
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    To Wet To Cut hay,So Ill Cut Firewood

    I suspect we have similar backgrounds. Regards Bez>
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    To Wet To Cut hay,So Ill Cut Firewood

    Nice "spring water" container - I have one somewhere as well. Feed those bales as soon as you can - I dropped a load in a creek and they were not much more than bedding afterwards. Got a poor pasture with cows in it? They will love your gift. Bez>
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    Cattle prove I am a beginner(again)

    I feel your pain - but wait! Lighten up? Nope. You nibbled on the hook and there was not even any bait there. So listen you - you get your butt back out there and find that worthless piece of trash and chase her some more. Calories lost chasing cattle on a hot day equal at least one extra...
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    Dealing with leaches

    Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Nothing leaves the gate until paid for. Oh, did I mention cash is king? Start doing that and you will have far less trouble. Bez>
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    Question about wood glue

    For all our woodwork here we simply use white carpenters glue. Then we clamp it for 48 hours - even though 24 will usually suffice. One of the important things about gluing something together is the ability to knock it apart with a rubber mallet when it comes loose. Sooner or late all glue...