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  1. S

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    Like I told my Dad one time when he was giving me crap about who wore the pants “ I figure you can either wear them or get in them”, I thought he was going to die laughing!😂
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    Sometimes you see things and the only thing you can do is try and convince yourself she is a cat person and it never would of worked out anyway!😂😂
  3. S

    Scotland-Ireland vacation Advice please

    Good advice as usual and great to see you around. Hope you and the family have been doing well.
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    That is one big old sow! Especially since she is fresh off winter.
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    Daily Chuckle

    Had to laugh when I read this as it was a very similar story when my wife and I started dating. It was frozen chicken breasts and she had every intention of putting soy sauce on them when they came out the microwave so they had flavor!🤬😂 Get in the truck woman we are going out to eat and...
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    Now you’re just rubbing it in. Been 90 and humid here all week and I have been fussing everyday. Keep telling the wife it is all I can do to keep that truck from going west!
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    Summer weather predictions

    We are finally getting some much needed showers. Calling for chances all this week. Not sure it will be much help to the first cut of hay but should get everybody’s corn out the ground and give the crabgrass a start.
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    A big shout out to my Amish neighbors

    I have a lot of clients that I would be happy to be reincarnated as one of their horses. If that is heaven an Amish buggy horse is hell. They are in shape to beat all and broke to death but they are short lived. Those miles of trotting on asphalt, ringbone eats them up. The rules as to what...
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    Well Y’all are just weird!😂
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    Too close for comfort.

    Had this one and about a dozen more in a pen made of about 6 of the flimsiest panels TSC sells to load. Standing straight in the trailer those tips touched both sides, 7’ wide. At various times in the event those panels were on top of a set of horns traveling various directions. Really got...
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    That seems pretty good to me if they had a good baler. Most here would be lucky to make 2 rolls an acre right now. Weather has not been kind the last few years to the hay crop. Should also be some great quality cut at that early stage.
  12. S

    Best Bull names you've heard....

    Challenge accepted, I will get back to you. Between me and Ouchita I am sure we can get you a few more generations. 😂🤣
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    Can't catch a break

    And @SmokinM, holy cow! I had no idea you literally can't get out of the backseat unless someone else opens the door from the outside. Keeps the riffraff from bolting. Lordy, I've led a sheltered life.😇:ROFLMAO: I am a tall guy so I like waiting for the door service, they are always so nice...
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    Can't catch a break

    First time in the front seat of one of them?😂😂 Couldn’t help myself, glad he is on the mend. Best of luck to you both.
  15. S

    Got a good chuckle out of this one

    Dang I miss a lot of the old guys around here!
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    Did ya ever sell a place then go back and look at it a few years later and think...

    Doesn’t bother me near as much when they let it grow up in briars as when they let it grow up in houses or junk. That being said around here the state had a program going for awhile that paid to plant pines. Sure stuck in my craw to see prime farm land plowed in with pines knowing what it takes...
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    Daily Chuckle

    Ain't it the truth
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    She got me...

    Beat me to it!😂😂
  19. S

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    Can’t hardly buy the materials for that money. Momma must be a looker!😂
  20. S

    Hay feeder mess?

    Amen, 24 hrs. here around a hay ring you have a crop circle that lasts for years. I hate them with a passion. Well really feeding hay in general. Unroll it all, hate the waste but can’t take the mud pits.