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  1. T

    Solar Farms

    Good thing they pay the taxes. We purchased some land last year that had been ag exempt forever. For some reason, when the tax bills were mailed the ag exemption had dropped off ( even though we had contacted the tax office). The bill was $7800 and change! When we contacted the tax office, they...
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    Problems with recycling

    My wise Momma said " eat it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without". Words to live by!
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    Have Mercy

    You better be careful or the SPCA will be on you about those neglected, skinny heifers! I'm like you - nervous about potential hay shortages. At this point in time, we're fine. Cows that calved around Thanksgiving started cycling right before Christmas :o despite the conditions so they must...
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    Have Mercy

    Our girls are going through the hay this fall and winter with all the cold and rain. We're barely going to squeak by 'til spring ( fingers crossed). Normally, the girls have to make it on hay only but I'm pondering feeding to stretch our hay supply a bit. On a brighter note, the sun's shining...
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    I need a new washing machine

    Speed Queen.
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    just some thoughts

    GB, I feel your pain on one level having buried two brothers. I cannot imagine losing a twin. The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you: The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.
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    I don't have any but the next door neighbor does......and he shares!! Nothing beats a biscuit hot out of the oven with butter and honey. The neighbor has tried to get us interested. I like the honey but I don't have time for another hobby. Maybe when I retire a couple of years.
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    Mystery Seduction, Abduction or Murder

    Junior showed up this morning;he was waiting by his bowl.
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    Mystery Seduction, Abduction or Murder

    I hope Old Tom show back up soon. Junior, the young tom that "adopted" us this spring, hasn't been seen in 3 days. He's usually seen at least once a day,near his bowl. The old fixed momma cat is still around, saw her coming across the pasture around 5:15 this morning.
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    Buried or Cremated

    My parents were buried as were my husband's. My brother choose to be cremated. He requested some his ashes be spread at his cabin in Oklahoma and some at his farm in East Texas. I was talking to a friend who is a practicing Catholic about cremation. He said the Catholic church is fine with...
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    some you love; others, you could strangle. We have one neighbor who is a major pain in the azz; his wife is not so bad. They never fix the fence when their bull tears it down, don't speak, etc. Last night about dark we get a call from them. They were penning pairs to haul them to another pasture...
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    Well, we got the hay cut and rolled. So thankful it's done. Hopefully, the next cutting will better quality since this one was about 3 weeks past it's prime. At least there's plenty of it. ;-)
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    I think we're going to able to cut least everything but the low corner that tends to hold water.
  14. T

    Lack of knowledge of local gov.

    Then, they build their houses backing up to a creek and are shocked when the creek rises to flood their yard and house.
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    Well, how 'bout it--have we seen the last freeze in E Texas?

    Just last year, we had a hard freeze ( down to 25) the night of April 21st, which was Easter Monday. All the fruit trees and berries were frozen. I sure hope were done with freezing weather. I need to make jelly this summer; we're getting low. :D
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    Wednesday, we planted rye grass in a field we're renovating .....after the hogs tore it up the last couple years. Got 1.25" inches that night. Next week the weather liars are calling for highs in the 60s. Can't wait to see the ryegrass start to germinate. :P
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    Ribbon Cane

    Thank you, CB, for the flashback to my childhood.Now I have a hankering for a homemade biscuit(....or 3) with fresh churned butter and ribbon cane for breakfast. Of course, there's nothing I can do about it since I'm sitting at work. Merry Christmas to all!
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    Cow prices

    ...pair prices have me thinking about selling off all the grown cows and just keeping my small group of heifers I hung on to last year. Between the drought and wildfires in '09 and last year's h*ll on earth, we've culled down to the bone. We've cut our numbers by more than 70%. Decisions, decisions.
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    Cal....Did you survive the Squall Line

    Started raining here around 3:30 Monday afternoon and was still raining at 6 Tuesday morning when I left for work. We had 1.9 inches in the gauge; it never really rained hard - just a nice, steady rain. The good Lord has definitely blessed us with rain so far this year!
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    Things Your Burglar Won't Tell You

    Great info!It's all stuff my husband, a cop for 30+ years, preaches to everyone.