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  1. J

    secondhand lions

    I love that movie. My daughter brought the DVD home a couple of years ago, and we watched it several times before returning it. Great movie, great cast. I need to remember to check to see when the next showing is. thanks peg for bringing it up. :D
  2. J

    Pet Peeves

    People who drive 40 MPH down rock roads. They barely slow down when cattle is being moved. It's not safe to move cattle from pasture to pasture or ride horses down back roads anymore near where I live. :mad: Not even sure why they live in the country if they're going to drive like they're in...
  3. J

    Chuckwagon in Oklahoma

    The museum is having their chuckwagon this coming weekend. I've been to the museum several times, but never the chuckwagon. Anyone been to the chuckwagon?
  4. J

    Pet Peeves

    ...up metal hangers. :help: men who wear pinky rings. I don't trust them for some reason. :) women who greet their women friends with "hey *itch" :???: I don't get it. people who gossip or start trouble at work. people who take credit for work I did. :x A dirty house people who...
  5. J

    Who do you look like

    Not famous but around 4 years old everyone called me the Coppertone kid (from on the bottle years back)....because I was blonde hair, sun tanned, and always playing in the water. earyly teens-Dorothy Hamil (probably because of my hair cut) late teens-Stevie Nicks (again, it was hair) someone...
  6. J

    I took some animals "off"

    :lol: Same here, I couldn't help myself. :lol2: Happy Mother's day to you! Nanc
  7. J

    I took some animals "off"

    :lol: Is it flour or salt that will rid you of snails? I can't remember. I don't have a snail problem, but the rabbits are having a ball with my gardens. :roll:
  8. J

    Branding today, lots of pics!

    MM, I really enjoyed looking at these pictures...hope that you get a chance to post more like these. :banana: forgive my ignorance, I see you're pre-vet, but are these pictures from on-holds class from school? I think this would have interested me more than my computer classes I took in...
  9. J

    odd occurence

    People can be brave when hiding behind a username.
  10. J

    Odds & Ends

    Not skin, but I have seen a young Cottontail literally leave its fur in my hands when trying to get away...nothing but bare skin remained. We found some babies in a flooded closed in area and tried to get them moved. The more the rabbit struggled the more fur was a very odd thing to see.
  11. J

    I probably shouldn't have but..

    HD, Adorable birdhouse, but the big one is beautiful! :D that reminds that I need to go fill my feeders. :lol2:
  12. J

    Promises, Promises

    It's really pouring down followed me from the next town. I went to take care of few things in another town and it started pouring, lots of water in a short time too. I had to jump the water running along the curb (which seemed like a small creek) to get from my parking space up on...
  13. J

    this is a new twist

    had one card done that way, but I did get a polite letter notifing me that they were going to lower my limit. It's had a zero balance for years now, I can't remember the last time I used it. I think I've had that card since middle 1990's. Last October, I pulled it out of hiding, blew the dust...
  14. J

    Dog House

    If you makes you feel any better, we don't understand men or at least I don't. Once I think I do understand then the rules change.....or something does. :lol:
  15. J

    Promises, Promises

    Got a good rain early this morning, but the wind has been blowing so strong that you can't even tell......ground is very dry here. It's humid!
  16. J

    Guess.... (pic)

    is it a picture of a momument, a memorial, or a statue?
  17. J

    Guess.... (pic)

    Did you take this picture from a plane? Is it ice? xray? something you looked at under a microscope? Any hints would be greatly appreciated.....cuz, this is driving me nuts! :help: I see images, like faces. But, I've looked it from ever angle and think I may be just seeing things. ...
  18. J

    Guess.... (pic)

    okay, so you have one heck of a lens on your camera, and that is a picture of a couple of frozen lakes on the moon. yes? no? bad film? :lol:
  19. J

    Guess.... (pic)

    A satelite image of glaciers on your North Sask. River?
  20. J

    20 dirty credit card tricks

    You can't trust anyone anymore.....I wonder how dishonest people sleep at night. Just while ago I was talking to my dad when the phone rang and my mother answered it. My mother handed the phone to me, the female voice on the other end asked if she was speaking to me. I said, this is she and...