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  1. jltrent

    Beating the dead horse

    There will be a grown-up mess for the hogs to hide in for sure. Hope you get some relief, but still, plenty of rain the rest of the year.
  2. jltrent


    Rocks and dirt would be better, but I figure the tires underground will outlast me and it is a good way to get rid of them. I have one hole I bet I put 20 old tires in 15-20 years ago and after filling in for shrinkage the next year it is still holding good.
  3. jltrent


    You probably have running water and caves under your property. I have several holes to fall in from time to time. The best thing I have seen to plug them is good heavy tires. I have never had one to refall after putting tires to seal and then covering with dirt. Usually, the next year you...
  4. jltrent

    All I need is......

    ......... more little Debbie's. Little Debbie Just Launched a Brand New Line of Treats
  5. jltrent

    T-post one, me zero

    Same here as I bent it about flat on my finger once and got it hung an about tore my finger off, also. I don't even know where it is.
  6. jltrent

    My rant for the day

    Got to work on one of the saws this evening and they dodged a bullet. Repla Neighbor has one with cab/ loader and he has had good luck.
  7. jltrent

    My rant for the day

    I live so far back even the Swan's man would not come out, forget ice cream man. If you get bored get some 2-cycles to work on. You can kill 5 hours (seems like an hour), not look up, not accomplish a dam thing and then frustrated all to heck. Go lookup some parts prices and then get more...
  8. jltrent


    Marty Robbins died way too young at 57 after three heart attacks. The guy could sing and race cars.
  9. jltrent


    It all beats the alternative. If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself. A whole lot less Little Debbie's.
  10. jltrent

    Got my wood up

    You are going to stay warm looks like. I didn't figure living in Texas you would need that much wood. I try to get my mother in wood as she uses it in the coldest weather.
  11. jltrent

    Land Swindlers

    My problem with this is how are they getting the information? I know it is public record, but they must be getting it electronically. With the information floating around on each of us someday we all will be screwed.
  12. jltrent

    Pigs for sale?

    I can't think of anybody around here that has pigs anymore. A few years ago, that many could be rounded up. He might could get some trucked in from Iowa if can't find.
  13. jltrent

    Owning a jet is not for peons.

    They depreciate fast and burn a lot of fuel.
  14. jltrent

    MRI results

    In the last ten years medical technology has come a long way. What they can do now they couldn't do then. Good luck and I hope they can fix you up for many more years.
  15. jltrent


    Unhappy wife/kids and you are going to starve. Should have some nice cattle, maybe.
  16. jltrent

    A bear fight

  17. jltrent


    Probably about half the cattle around here as a few years ago and even less farmers. I guess the bigger farmers produce more. From the looks of most people they look well fed.
  18. jltrent

    It worked.........

    Alabama inmate killed in nation's first execution by nitrogen hypoxia
  19. jltrent

    Undeniably the toughest men in any sport...anywhere.

    That wingsuit flying has to be up there also. If you do it much no doubt you will meet your maker. One thing you usually don't get hurt though. Pretty interesting list as I would rank them different.
  20. jltrent

    2023 Corporate profits

    Some of these high maintenance spouses' (women or men) inflations doesn't bother them as long as the plastic last. I didn't get paid much but working in a bank for a few years was a good experience, dang you just can't makeup some of the stories. Thank goodness mine is not like that.