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  1. W

    Cattle prices in Indiana

    Where do I find cattle prices in Indiana? Thanks Warren
  2. W

    Angus Limo cross 575lb

    We still have a old feed meal that custom grinds. What kind of mix would they need for a good ration. What was you saying about 7lb turning into 1lb. Thanks Warren
  3. W

    Angus Limo cross 575lb

    What kind of weight gain would I be looking at per month and would they need to be grain fed or just hay until I am ready to finish them out. Thanks Warren
  4. W

    Angus Limo cross 575lb

    They are still bulls. Thanks Warren
  5. W

    Angus Limo cross 575lb

    Can I buy these calfs at a $1.05 and feed them through the winter and come out ahead. How much hay per head would I be looking at. We used to run 20 to 25 head of cattle about 25 years ago but I forgot a lot of the details that are important to coming out on top. Thanks Warren
  6. W

    Bull vs steer

    I was wanting to use a young bull to breed 2 herford cows and then butcher the bull. Does anyone know if that will affect the meat in a bad way if the bull just breeds 2 or 4 cows. Thanks WDAMAN