Recent content by Rogerwilco

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  1. R


    Well then I'm sure he can speak for himself.
  2. R


    Sure would feel good to have my keester smooched like THAT now and then. Not here and not by these slugs, but hey...
  3. R


    There's a lot of talk about how much knowledge is bouncing around on this board and all that, but it's actually kind of difficult to sort through the heap to find it. If anyone is ever bold enough to ask about starting up or making a profit the answers that stream in tend to be negative...
  4. R


    Do they not use some established standard methods of qualilty grade and yield grade for cattle there?
  5. R

    Fence Recovery

    I have been discussing leasing some land for pasture that has not been used as such for quite some time. The owner is a general contractor who plans to subdivide the land and build homes on it, but would consider leasing the land for pasturing cattle between now and then. There are no existing...
  6. R


    I do not even own any cattle yet, but I would say offhand that if 59.3% of the producers any industry had lilttle or no vested interest in producing a quality product or earning a profit that it could not help but drive the value of the industry down to some extent. I'm not saying that it is...
  7. R


    I think it would be nice if you wrote the other half of what you wanted to say. Your ideas are very valuable, and even more valuable when they are complete.
  8. R


    Well don't stop now. It looks like a pretty good list so far. This is turning into a pretty good thread. We've actually almost got cattlemen talking about a proactive approach to the business instead of talking about losing money and how cautious we should be getting in. Don't worry. We'll be...
  9. R


    Being as we are all in the mood to do our homework, here is a little something I found online. It discusses the nature of farm failures. ... ilures.pdf
  10. R


    So would you go so far to say that it is unlikely that a small operation can be run efficiently and profitably, or are you just saying that most smaller producers are not necessarily reliant on the profitability of their operations, which is obvious? Actually the fact that the "average"...
  11. R


    The fact that small producers exist indicates that efficient and profitable operations can be run on smaller scale and that realistic returns are possible at different levels of buy in. Also, we are dealing with averages again. I would like to see the averages expressed in terms of the number...
  12. R


    Hello Donnie. I asked a similar question about a month ago and I got the same non-answers that we see here. All you have to do is ask how much money these guys make on their cattle and they start talking about how much you can lose and how they do it for the lifestyle and not the money, and...
  13. R

    Hi-Tensile fence

    Is 4 or 6 strand hi-tensile fence considered adequate for containing cattle without power? Is a 8 or 9 strand hi-tensile fence suitable for building pens, or are there other options that work better?
  14. R

    10 years from now if we make it

    I'm a bit sorry I jumped into this discussion. I prefer the company of positive people. It seems to me that the future is bright and interesting. You guys can keep doing whatever that is you're doing.
  15. R

    10 years from now if we make it

    I heard people saying this, almost in the same words, back in the 1970s. I really don't understand the sense of hopelessness you seem to be communicating. It's not like it got all screwed up before you got here and now it's just all ruined. Look at India. It's a worst case scenario for...