Recent content by libby

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  1. L

    colostrum supplements

    would it be beneficial to give a colostrum supplement to all bottle calves when I get them in from WI? Is the cost worth it?
  2. L

    bottle vs bucket feeding

    could someone tell me which is better bottle or bucket for newborn calves?
  3. L

    Want to Raise Bottle Calves

    Just a word of encouragement. I just started and we did lose some and that was due to lack of knowledge but I learned and will use it in the future. We didn't do research like you are and we should have. You will do great. Our calves are 4 weeks old on this Friday and they are really...
  4. L


    I'm looking for advice here too. Our calves our just about 4 weeks old. Most are doing well now. We planned on banding but hear about the growth rate if you wait. I have castrated pigs so I'm not afraid of it but not sure which is the way to go and when. Libby
  5. L

    Anyone use Spectam Scour-Halt?

    We had scours here for about 10 days and it was terrible. The only thing that slowed it down was human immodium tablets. They are easy to administer and work and cheap if you get the generic ones. I used 2-3 and repeated everytime I saw scours. I also ground up oatmeal in my blender and...
  6. L

    4 years since i raised a baby calf... hes coughing help?

    I have been using nuflor for cough and have used 3cc for bottle calves and skip a day and repeat. They seem to do better and then are coughing again. Should I have used a stronger dose from the start? Libby
  7. L

    Want to Raise Bottle Calves

    I just started with bottle calves. We started with tooooooooooo many. I didn't know a thing but got schooled real quick. I am learning by reading this board. We have had a lot of troubles and just when I think we turned the corner a couple have spiked a temp. So go for it but start small...
  8. L

    Bleach for scours

    I wish I had this recipe 2 weeks ago but I have it for next time. Sounds good to me worth a try since nothing else worked. Thanks Libby
  9. L

    protocol for dummies

    we are using land o lakes, herd maker replacer and it says 20/20 on the label and standard mixing is 10 oz/2 quarts. We had them up to full rate at about 8 days. We started them the first couple days at 5 oz/2 quarts of water twice a day. So that really shouldn't have started the scours would it.
  10. L

    protocol for dummies

    I did use baytril for scours, didn't touch it. I ended up using immodium and oatmeal and shoved it down their throat. I tried all the stopper uppers and none worked. The vet said we weren;t mixing the milk strong enough so we worked to increase a little faster. I just want to prevent this...
  11. L

    protocol for dummies

    Well I don't know where to start. The calves are bottle/bucket. They came from WI, seemed healthy off the truck. My lack of knowledge is a lot to blame. The calves are in a building only 2 horses have been in. I am using nuflour and LA/tylan right now and banamine for temps along with...
  12. L

    protocol for dummies

    I am new to raising calves. I have raised hogs for 15 years and decided to try calves. I have had a lot of trouble with scours and now cough and temps. Can someone give me a list of symptoms and what drug to give and how often. I have been using a vet but $1200 later 8 deads so please help.