Recent content by Herefordbreeder

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  1. H

    Ivomec v. Dectomax?

    Iv'e heard several claims that used incorrectly the wormer will be ineffective, that being said, is it really resistance or misuse? We pour in spring, inject in fall because the injection supposedly kills grubs. We have used Dectomax in spring due to it's water resistance, and Ivomec plus...
  2. H

    sick Heifer??

    We had a heifer acting not quite right 3 days ago, I called the vet he came out and said the heifer had a uterine torsion!! Long story short and six hours later, a calf had to be cut out of the heifer. The heifer was administered LA 300 and Banamine. 38 hours later we were told 10cc of Dex and...