When to treat symptoms of pneumonia.

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I wonder if one of our DVM's can tell us:
If a calf has been challenged ( vaccinated) and this initial vaccination is good for say at least 122 days, will that calf respond better when re-vaccinated at weaning (200 days +/-) than a calf that had not been vaccinated previously?
Generally speaking, yes. The response should be immediate as they have the memory from previous dose. It may vary with some vaccines/diseases but generally should hold true.

You might know it as overeating disease or enterotoxemia
Lost a beautiful 2-month-old heifer probably 6 or 7 years ago and my vet diagnosed C perfringen. But he also didn't suggest I start vaccinating all the calves prior to appx. 3 months because what are the odds? I do, however, hit this particular cows' calf early as a precaution. She grows 'em big!
Lost a beautiful 2-month-old heifer probably 6 or 7 years ago and my vet diagnosed C perfringen. But he also didn't suggest I start vaccinating all the calves prior to appx. 3 months because what are the odds? I do, however, hit this particular cows' calf early as a precaution. She grows 'em big!
Once in awhile we have one of those mystery deaths that there seems to be no reason for. Usually a real good strong calf you see running and playing in the evening and stone dead in the morning. I have wondered if enterotoxemia could be the cause. I have no excuse for not taking a look inside other than the fact that it's dead, it ain't coming back, and what would I do about it anyway?
Once in awhile we have one of those mystery deaths that there seems to be no reason for. Usually a real good strong calf you see running and playing in the evening and stone dead in the morning. I have wondered if enterotoxemia could be the cause. I have no excuse for not taking a look inside other than the fact that it's dead, it ain't coming back, and what would I do about it anyway?
Exactly! It's gonna happen in spite of your best efforts and there's always the freak occurrence.
BTW @ksmit454, update on the calf?
Thanks for checking up TC! She is doing excellent. Still will cough at times but no other issues. I am still frustrated with my vet. I asked if I could get some Multimin and something like Draxxin or Nuflor (really anything better than LA), just to have on hand, and I got no response back. Going to start looking for another vet as I do not understand why it has been so difficult to obtain these items from my current vet.
Thanks for checking up TC! She is doing excellent. Still will cough at times but no other issues. I am still frustrated with my vet. I asked if I could get some Multimin and something like Draxxin or Nuflor (really anything better than LA), just to have on hand, and I got no response back. Going to start looking for another vet as I do not understand why it has been so difficult to obtain these items from my current vet.
You should look for a new vet or an outlet for meds sooner than later, from experience when dealing w/ livestock it is better to have supplies on hand at all times, you never know what is coming around the corner. Do your research, good luck
Lost a beautiful 2-month-old heifer probably 6 or 7 years ago and my vet diagnosed C perfringen. But he also didn't suggest I start vaccinating all the calves prior to appx. 3 months because what are the odds? I do, however, hit this particular cows' calf early as a precaution. She grows 'em big!
It's always the biggest and best ones, it seems. Maybe because we have put so much performance in today's cattle and in order to perform, they have to have a big appetite.
You should look for a new vet or an outlet for meds sooner than later, from experience when dealing w/ livestock it is better to have supplies on hand at all times, you never know what is coming around the corner. Do your research, good luck
I fully agree. I called another vet today to establish a relationship to get meds to have in hand.
Remember folks its not as easy in California as it is in normal states like Wy or Tx. Just look when you order syringes from a place like Valley Vet. The first thing that pops up on your screen is to confirm your location is not in Cali. where they can't be sent.
Excellent point. And yet CA hands them out freely to addicts on the street:unsure:
Once in awhile we have one of those mystery deaths that there seems to be no reason for. Usually a real good strong calf you see running and playing in the evening and stone dead in the morning. I have wondered if enterotoxemia could be the cause. I have no excuse for not taking a look inside other than the fact that it's dead, it ain't coming back, and what would I do about it anyway?
There is sumpin you can do about it. Vaccinate your cows annually with a cheap clostridia product that covers enterotoxemia. We started this about 20 years back along with the scour vax and mineral….. Those belly kickers are almost non existent now. We used to treat a couple dozen a year with a quarter of the cows we have now. Treated three last year, one the year before.
Thanks for checking up TC! She is doing excellent. Still will cough at times but no other issues. I am still frustrated with my vet. I asked if I could get some Multimin and something like Draxxin or Nuflor (really anything better than LA), just to have on hand, and I got no response back. Going to start looking for another vet as I do not understand why it has been so difficult to obtain these items from my current vet.
Some vets want you to pay them to do the exam and administer drugs. You are right to go shopping.
There is sumpin you can do about it. Vaccinate your cows annually with a cheap clostridia product that covers enterotoxemia. We started this about 20 years back along with the scour vax and mineral….. Those belly kickers are almost non existent now. We used to treat a couple dozen a year with a quarter of the cows we have now. Treated three last year, one the year before.
We have been vaccinating our cows for half a century or more.