What's hybrid vigor? This baby is PUREBRED ANGUS!

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TennesseeTuxedo said:
Stickney94 said:
BH -- does CT compensate you for driving all of the board/web traffic?

Yes we do.

They sure do! How do you think I can afford this....back her up!


And to think, that just lasts me a couple of days!
************* said:
It takes money to make money.

not to mention having to acquire land from scratch with a mortgage are problem areas, I don't suffer from those issues.

I'm hearing stories about people raising crops that are hoping that they don't lose everything this year, months behind on equipment payments, barely breaking even in the farm game. I have heard of many people in my county alone that threw in the towel on cattle after this past winter, sold everything, they knew that they couldn't get their hay up and that prices are low on cattle. That's not my situation.

If I wanted to I could put several top bulls on my herd (AI sons that I bred myself), sit under a tree drinking lemonade, steer everything in sight, and sell bred heifers with papers. That would be the easy route. I'm not doing easy.

If you are a student of Andrew Carnegie, and others during that period. They had NO MERCY when it came to feeling sorry for people that didn't see the writing on the wall and failed to plan FAR ahead. They saw it more from a Darwinian viewpoint. I'm not that harsh, I have at least a little empathy, but like I said failing to plan is a plan to fail.

For months I have refrained from replying to your nonsense. You are, on the Internet anyway, a piece of work. From all resources available to me, the best I can tell someone else put in the sweat and you're now reaping the harvest. Good for you. But the attitude you have and superiority that you seem to feel toward the majority on this board is sickening, and definitely not earned. Had it been earned, you would have a completely different tone.

While my operation and yours are on two different spectrums and have different goals, I won't argue that you have some fine animals. Not what I want or need, but fine animals. Reality is they won't work for the majority of cattle producers. They seem to work for you. And that's real good. And they will work for some others. But it's a joke for you to think that everyone should be trying to do the same thing you're doing in your operation, which is what you try to promote.

The way you "talk" to people on the internet makes me question a lot of things about you. Maybe it's a Northern thing. Idk. We have manners down here. But I can assure you that if some of the fine upstanding cattlemen from the south or west of you were to come over to potentially purchase a bull from you, and you talked to them in person the way you talk to some on this board, they'd kick you so hard you'd be wearing your a$$ for a hat.

You have a lot of knowledge about cattle. That's obvious. But you are adamant that your way is the right way. And the only way. Maybe I take you too literally. Maybe it's all a ploy to keep things lively. But it appears that you're simply that arrogant.

On another note, those farmers and cattlemen that you addressed earlier who are facing losing all or part of what they have.....You said failing to plan was planning to fail. You don't plan for years of poor commodity prices. You don't plan for extended droughts or disastrous floods. Some of these folks likely overextended themselves and brought part of their hardships on themselves. But others are simply the casualty of misfortune. Rather than bragging about how well you've done riding the coattails of SAV and your parents, or whoever left you the money you use that you referred to in your above post, you'd be better to have genuine compassion for those less fortunate than you and be thankful you're not in their shoes. That doesn't mean you can't capitalize on others hardships when you're in a position to do so, but don't rub salt in an open wound by bragging about how much smarter you are, and how good of a planner you are, and how much better your cattle are than others. If you had to start from scratch tomorrow you would never make it with your current approach.

BH, the hottest blonde that's ever walked could past a man on the street. If that man was only attracted to brunettes, he would simply say to himself, "she sure is pretty, but just not what I'm looking for". Same with cattle. There's more breeds than Angus. Nothing wrong with Angus. But you seem to feel the need to convince people that other breeds are inferior. It's not gonna work. And your wrong. Why poke the bear? Could be just to get a rise. I'm not sure.

In summary, you appear to be fairly knowledgeable in certain aspects of cattle. You probably have the potential to make your mark somewhere in the business. You are probably a pretty decent fellow face to face and away from a keyboard. My intent of this post is not to degrade you or insult you. I just wish you'd offer the same courtesy to others here. Lot of people have left because of you and a couple of others. Now one could say, that's their problem. Maybe it is. But it's not much different than being in a bar full of fighting drunks. You have three options. Join them, fight against them, or leave. I think you can bring a lot to the table. I'd just like to see you take a different approach.
JMJ Farms said:
************* said:
It takes money to make money.

not to mention having to acquire land from scratch with a mortgage are problem areas, I don't suffer from those issues.

I'm hearing stories about people raising crops that are hoping that they don't lose everything this year, months behind on equipment payments, barely breaking even in the farm game. I have heard of many people in my county alone that threw in the towel on cattle after this past winter, sold everything, they knew that they couldn't get their hay up and that prices are low on cattle. That's not my situation.

If I wanted to I could put several top bulls on my herd (AI sons that I bred myself), sit under a tree drinking lemonade, steer everything in sight, and sell bred heifers with papers. That would be the easy route. I'm not doing easy.

If you are a student of Andrew Carnegie, and others during that period. They had NO MERCY when it came to feeling sorry for people that didn't see the writing on the wall and failed to plan FAR ahead. They saw it more from a Darwinian viewpoint. I'm not that harsh, I have at least a little empathy, but like I said failing to plan is a plan to fail.

For months I have refrained from replying to your nonsense. You are, on the Internet anyway, a piece of work. From all resources available to me, the best I can tell someone else put in the sweat and you're now reaping the harvest. Good for you. But the attitude you have and superiority that you seem to feel toward the majority on this board is sickening, and definitely not earned. Had it been earned, you would have a completely different tone.

While my operation and yours are on two different spectrums and have different goals, I won't argue that you have some fine animals. Not what I want or need, but fine animals. Reality is they won't work for the majority of cattle producers. They seem to work for you. And that's real good. And they will work for some others. But it's a joke for you to think that everyone should be trying to do the same thing you're doing in your operation, which is what you try to promote.

The way you "talk" to people on the internet makes me question a lot of things about you. Maybe it's a Northern thing. Idk. We have manners down here. But I can assure you that if some of the fine upstanding cattlemen from the south or west of you were to come over to potentially purchase a bull from you, and you talked to them in person the way you talk to some on this board, they'd kick you so hard you'd be wearing your a$$ for a hat.

You have a lot of knowledge about cattle. That's obvious. But you are adamant that your way is the right way. And the only way. Maybe I take you too literally. Maybe it's all a ploy to keep things lively. But it appears that you're simply that arrogant.

On another note, those farmers and cattlemen that you addressed earlier who are facing losing all or part of what they have.....You said failing to plan was planning to fail. You don't plan for years of poor commodity prices. You don't plan for extended droughts or disastrous floods. Some of these folks likely overextended themselves and brought part of their hardships on themselves. But others are simply the casualty of misfortune. Rather than bragging about how well you've done riding the coattails of SAV and your parents, or whoever left you the money you use that you referred to in your above post, you'd be better to have genuine compassion for those less fortunate than you and be thankful you're not in their shoes. That doesn't mean you can't capitalize on others hardships when you're in a position to do so, but don't rub salt in an open wound by bragging about how much smarter you are, and how good of a planner you are, and how much better your cattle are than others. If you had to start from scratch tomorrow you would never make it with your current approach.

BH, the hottest blonde that's ever walked could past a man on the street. If that man was only attracted to brunettes, he would simply say to himself, "she sure is pretty, but just not what I'm looking for". Same with cattle. There's more breeds than Angus. Nothing wrong with Angus. But you seem to feel the need to convince people that other breeds are inferior. It's not gonna work. And your wrong. Why poke the bear? Could be just to get a rise. I'm not sure.

In summary, you appear to be fairly knowledgeable in certain aspects of cattle. You probably have the potential to make your mark somewhere in the business. You are probably a pretty decent fellow face to face and away from a keyboard. My intent of this post is not to degrade you or insult you. I just wish you'd offer the same courtesy to others here. Lot of people have left because of you and a couple of others. Now one could say, that's their problem. Maybe it is. But it's not much different than being in a bar full of fighting drunks. You have three options. Join them, fight against them, or leave. I think you can bring a lot to the table. I'd just like to see you take a different approach.

I read everything you said, and much of it is misplaced.

Our cattle have never been returned for lack of performance, nor have I been told "sorry, but they disappointed us" In fact our bulls get a very intensive BSE, one that most would fail, if they don't pass, they don't leave our operation. Ask BR how many animals this VET gives a thumbs down on. He's the vet for Boyd's, so he's not too shabby. Wouldn't you want a bull that has been scrutinized to the Nth degree, or do you accept "wham bam thank you ma'am, NEXT!" at the yards or from lax breeders. I want our bulls to rock and roll when they go into a group of females, not fizzle out. I make sure that never happens.

As for the tired old "real world" topic, none of the places where our animals end up feed out grain, and the hay is probably not the best possible quality either. None of them follow our protocols, but for some strange reason the animals do just fine. You are speculating, you don't have the facts. until you contact me, and I put you in contact with people that have actually purchased animals, you will not have your story straight.

As far as the legacy topic. I had VASTLY less resources and help than many of the "top" operations around me, I MEAN VASTLY! BR has painted this picture that I was handed "nirvana" and all that was required was to maintain it, totally wrong from every angle. I had the advantage of 50 years of selective breeding and culling, but the real jump in genetics has been over the past few years, and it was not by accident or lack of work. What my strong suit has been is FOCUS and VISION, not handouts. BR and TT know the ACTUAL story, and I will tell you offline if you would like. I didn't wake up one day and take over the annual production sales of generations above me. Not even close.

I don't insult my clients, never have, never will.

As far as the failure to plan comments. People thought Medallion taxis would be there forever, I knew a guy that had multiple medallions and they were worth a LOT of money, he had tunnel vision, and now Uber has eaten his lunch and left him with little. You must adapt. Think if he had sold those Medallions at the first sign of trouble and invested in Uber? Some people just can't help going down on a sinking ship.

I see the cattle business the same way, it's changing rapidly, too fast for many folks, you either adapt or get creamed. Premiums get paid for certain breeds over others, raising what you like is great if you have passive income or a job, but doing it when the bills must be paid can become problematic. I seriously have considered raising Bison, and I may very well do it, if FFS or Fence can build something that can keep them in, but that's not a business plan, it's a hobby, an interest that I have, maybe it can play out on Youtube, but it will have virtually no value elsewhere.

If you truly understood what I am producing and my emphasis on carcass, fertility, feet, weaning weights, you may see things differently, but unfortunately, you want me to sugar coat things and pretend that what is happening in the business is really just rumor.
TennesseeTuxedo said:
Well said JMJ Farms. I get similar feelings when The Donald is on the TV.

I don't license my name, I actually produce something of value. Big difference.
************* said:
JMJ Farms said:
************* said:
It takes money to make money.

not to mention having to acquire land from scratch with a mortgage are problem areas, I don't suffer from those issues.

I'm hearing stories about people raising crops that are hoping that they don't lose everything this year, months behind on equipment payments, barely breaking even in the farm game. I have heard of many people in my county alone that threw in the towel on cattle after this past winter, sold everything, they knew that they couldn't get their hay up and that prices are low on cattle. That's not my situation.

If I wanted to I could put several top bulls on my herd (AI sons that I bred myself), sit under a tree drinking lemonade, steer everything in sight, and sell bred heifers with papers. That would be the easy route. I'm not doing easy.

If you are a student of Andrew Carnegie, and others during that period. They had NO MERCY when it came to feeling sorry for people that didn't see the writing on the wall and failed to plan FAR ahead. They saw it more from a Darwinian viewpoint. I'm not that harsh, I have at least a little empathy, but like I said failing to plan is a plan to fail.

For months I have refrained from replying to your nonsense. You are, on the Internet anyway, a piece of work. From all resources available to me, the best I can tell someone else put in the sweat and you're now reaping the harvest. Good for you. But the attitude you have and superiority that you seem to feel toward the majority on this board is sickening, and definitely not earned. Had it been earned, you would have a completely different tone.

While my operation and yours are on two different spectrums and have different goals, I won't argue that you have some fine animals. Not what I want or need, but fine animals. Reality is they won't work for the majority of cattle producers. They seem to work for you. And that's real good. And they will work for some others. But it's a joke for you to think that everyone should be trying to do the same thing you're doing in your operation, which is what you try to promote.

The way you "talk" to people on the internet makes me question a lot of things about you. Maybe it's a Northern thing. Idk. We have manners down here. But I can assure you that if some of the fine upstanding cattlemen from the south or west of you were to come over to potentially purchase a bull from you, and you talked to them in person the way you talk to some on this board, they'd kick you so hard you'd be wearing your a$$ for a hat.

You have a lot of knowledge about cattle. That's obvious. But you are adamant that your way is the right way. And the only way. Maybe I take you too literally. Maybe it's all a ploy to keep things lively. But it appears that you're simply that arrogant.

On another note, those farmers and cattlemen that you addressed earlier who are facing losing all or part of what they have.....You said failing to plan was planning to fail. You don't plan for years of poor commodity prices. You don't plan for extended droughts or disastrous floods. Some of these folks likely overextended themselves and brought part of their hardships on themselves. But others are simply the casualty of misfortune. Rather than bragging about how well you've done riding the coattails of SAV and your parents, or whoever left you the money you use that you referred to in your above post, you'd be better to have genuine compassion for those less fortunate than you and be thankful you're not in their shoes. That doesn't mean you can't capitalize on others hardships when you're in a position to do so, but don't rub salt in an open wound by bragging about how much smarter you are, and how good of a planner you are, and how much better your cattle are than others. If you had to start from scratch tomorrow you would never make it with your current approach.

BH, the hottest blonde that's ever walked could past a man on the street. If that man was only attracted to brunettes, he would simply say to himself, "she sure is pretty, but just not what I'm looking for". Same with cattle. There's more breeds than Angus. Nothing wrong with Angus. But you seem to feel the need to convince people that other breeds are inferior. It's not gonna work. And your wrong. Why poke the bear? Could be just to get a rise. I'm not sure.

In summary, you appear to be fairly knowledgeable in certain aspects of cattle. You probably have the potential to make your mark somewhere in the business. You are probably a pretty decent fellow face to face and away from a keyboard. My intent of this post is not to degrade you or insult you. I just wish you'd offer the same courtesy to others here. Lot of people have left because of you and a couple of others. Now one could say, that's their problem. Maybe it is. But it's not much different than being in a bar full of fighting drunks. You have three options. Join them, fight against them, or leave. I think you can bring a lot to the table. I'd just like to see you take a different approach.

I read everything you said, and much of it is misplaced.

Our cattle have never been returned for lack of performance, nor have I been told "sorry, but they disappointed us" In fact our bulls get a very intensive BSE, one that most would fail, if they don't pass, they don't leave our operation. Ask BR how many animals this VET gives a thumbs down on. He's the vet for Boyd's, so he's not too shabby. Wouldn't you want a bull that has been scrutinized to the Nth degree, or do you accept "wham bam thank you ma'am, NEXT!" at the yards or from lax breeders. I want our bulls to rock and roll when they go into a group of females, not fizzle out. I make sure that never happens.

As for the tired old "real world" topic, none of the places where our animals end up feed out grain, and the hay is probably not the best possible quality either. None of them follow our protocols, but for some strange reason the animals do just fine. You are speculating, you don't have the facts. until you contact me, and I put you in contact with people that have actually purchased animals, you will not have your story straight.

As far as the legacy topic. I had VASTLY less resources and help than many of the "top" operations around me, I MEAN VASTLY! BR has painted this picture that I was handed "nirvana" and all that was required was to maintain it, totally wrong from every angle. I had the advantage of 50 years of selective breeding and culling, but the real jump in genetics has been over the past few years, and it was not by accident or lack of work. What my strong suit has been is FOCUS and VISION, not handouts. BR and TT know the ACTUAL story, and I will tell you offline if you would like. I didn't wake up one day and take over the annual production sales of generations above me. Not even close.

I don't insult my clients, never have, never will.

As far as the failure to plan comments. People thought Medallion taxis would be there forever, I knew a guy that had multiple medallions and they were worth a LOT of money, he had tunnel vision, and now Uber has eaten his lunch and left him with little. You must adapt. Think if he had sold those Medallions at the first sign of trouble and invested in Uber? Some people just can't help going down on a sinking ship.

I see the cattle business the same way, it's changing rapidly, too fast for many folks, you either adapt or get creamed. Premiums get paid for certain breeds over others, raising what you like is great if you have passive income or a job, but doing it when the bills must be paid can become problematic. I seriously have considered raising Bison, and I may very well do it, if FFS or Fence can build something that can keep them in, but that's not a business plan, it's a hobby, an interest that I have, maybe it can play out on Youtube, but it will have virtually no value elsewhere.

If you truly understood what I am producing and my emphasis on carcass, fertility, feet, weaning weights, you may see things differently, but unfortunately, you want me to sugar coat things and pretend that what is happening in the business is really just rumor.

The Veterinarian Branded is referencing does a very stringent BSE. I have personally observed other vets perform a BSE. I have only seen one - this vet actually palpate the prostate. I have watched vets look at the semen smear and do a "look see" and call the morphology and count good. This vet has the field of the microscope grid in place and he counts every grid. He does a statistical assessment of morphology. I have gone through the process with him several times. He dots every I and he crosses every T. Some folks will not use him. He is tough on scrotal scores which can vary by 3 centimeters if you don't snug it up. Please don't interpret this to mean that he deliberately fails bulls. But he sure don't give any a free pass.
JMJ Farms said:
For months I have refrained from replying to your nonsense. You are, on the Internet anyway, a piece of work. From all resources available to me, the best I can tell someone else put in the sweat and you're now reaping the harvest. Good for you. But the attitude you have and superiority that you seem to feel toward the majority on this board is sickening, and definitely not earned. Had it been earned, you would have a completely different tone.

While my operation and yours are on two different spectrums and have different goals, I won't argue that you have some fine animals. Not what I want or need, but fine animals. Reality is they won't work for the majority of cattle producers. They seem to work for you. And that's real good. And they will work for some others. But it's a joke for you to think that everyone should be trying to do the same thing you're doing in your operation, which is what you try to promote.

The way you "talk" to people on the internet makes me question a lot of things about you. Maybe it's a Northern thing. Idk. We have manners down here. But I can assure you that if some of the fine upstanding cattlemen from the south or west of you were to come over to potentially purchase a bull from you, and you talked to them in person the way you talk to some on this board, they'd kick you so hard you'd be wearing your a$$ for a hat.

You have a lot of knowledge about cattle. That's obvious. But you are adamant that your way is the right way. And the only way. Maybe I take you too literally. Maybe it's all a ploy to keep things lively. But it appears that you're simply that arrogant.

On another note, those farmers and cattlemen that you addressed earlier who are facing losing all or part of what they have.....You said failing to plan was planning to fail. You don't plan for years of poor commodity prices. You don't plan for extended droughts or disastrous floods. Some of these folks likely overextended themselves and brought part of their hardships on themselves. But others are simply the casualty of misfortune. Rather than bragging about how well you've done riding the coattails of SAV and your parents, or whoever left you the money you use that you referred to in your above post, you'd be better to have genuine compassion for those less fortunate than you and be thankful you're not in their shoes. That doesn't mean you can't capitalize on others hardships when you're in a position to do so, but don't rub salt in an open wound by bragging about how much smarter you are, and how good of a planner you are, and how much better your cattle are than others. If you had to start from scratch tomorrow you would never make it with your current approach.

BH, the hottest blonde that's ever walked could past a man on the street. If that man was only attracted to brunettes, he would simply say to himself, "she sure is pretty, but just not what I'm looking for". Same with cattle. There's more breeds than Angus. Nothing wrong with Angus. But you seem to feel the need to convince people that other breeds are inferior. It's not gonna work. And your wrong. Why poke the bear? Could be just to get a rise. I'm not sure.

In summary, you appear to be fairly knowledgeable in certain aspects of cattle. You probably have the potential to make your mark somewhere in the business. You are probably a pretty decent fellow face to face and away from a keyboard. My intent of this post is not to degrade you or insult you. I just wish you'd offer the same courtesy to others here. Lot of people have left because of you and a couple of others. Now one could say, that's their problem. Maybe it is. But it's not much different than being in a bar full of fighting drunks. You have three options. Join them, fight against them, or leave. I think you can bring a lot to the table. I'd just like to see you take a different approach.

Hey Mike. Well said and very decent of you. But did they leave or did they get banned?

IMHO, I don't think James ran off anyone.
Bright Raven said:
JMJ Farms said:
For months I have refrained from replying to your nonsense. You are, on the Internet anyway, a piece of work. From all resources available to me, the best I can tell someone else put in the sweat and you're now reaping the harvest. Good for you. But the attitude you have and superiority that you seem to feel toward the majority on this board is sickening, and definitely not earned. Had it been earned, you would have a completely different tone.

While my operation and yours are on two different spectrums and have different goals, I won't argue that you have some fine animals. Not what I want or need, but fine animals. Reality is they won't work for the majority of cattle producers. They seem to work for you. And that's real good. And they will work for some others. But it's a joke for you to think that everyone should be trying to do the same thing you're doing in your operation, which is what you try to promote.

The way you "talk" to people on the internet makes me question a lot of things about you. Maybe it's a Northern thing. Idk. We have manners down here. But I can assure you that if some of the fine upstanding cattlemen from the south or west of you were to come over to potentially purchase a bull from you, and you talked to them in person the way you talk to some on this board, they'd kick you so hard you'd be wearing your a$$ for a hat.

You have a lot of knowledge about cattle. That's obvious. But you are adamant that your way is the right way. And the only way. Maybe I take you too literally. Maybe it's all a ploy to keep things lively. But it appears that you're simply that arrogant.

On another note, those farmers and cattlemen that you addressed earlier who are facing losing all or part of what they have.....You said failing to plan was planning to fail. You don't plan for years of poor commodity prices. You don't plan for extended droughts or disastrous floods. Some of these folks likely overextended themselves and brought part of their hardships on themselves. But others are simply the casualty of misfortune. Rather than bragging about how well you've done riding the coattails of SAV and your parents, or whoever left you the money you use that you referred to in your above post, you'd be better to have genuine compassion for those less fortunate than you and be thankful you're not in their shoes. That doesn't mean you can't capitalize on others hardships when you're in a position to do so, but don't rub salt in an open wound by bragging about how much smarter you are, and how good of a planner you are, and how much better your cattle are than others. If you had to start from scratch tomorrow you would never make it with your current approach.

BH, the hottest blonde that's ever walked could past a man on the street. If that man was only attracted to brunettes, he would simply say to himself, "she sure is pretty, but just not what I'm looking for". Same with cattle. There's more breeds than Angus. Nothing wrong with Angus. But you seem to feel the need to convince people that other breeds are inferior. It's not gonna work. And your wrong. Why poke the bear? Could be just to get a rise. I'm not sure.

In summary, you appear to be fairly knowledgeable in certain aspects of cattle. You probably have the potential to make your mark somewhere in the business. You are probably a pretty decent fellow face to face and away from a keyboard. My intent of this post is not to degrade you or insult you. I just wish you'd offer the same courtesy to others here. Lot of people have left because of you and a couple of others. Now one could say, that's their problem. Maybe it is. But it's not much different than being in a bar full of fighting drunks. You have three options. Join them, fight against them, or leave. I think you can bring a lot to the table. I'd just like to see you take a different approach.

Hey Mike. Well said and very decent of you. But did they leave or did they get banned?

IMHO, I don't think James ran off anyone.
Ran off. You'd be very surprised at the number of people posting regularly over there.
Nesikep said:
28 years is impressive, I'd like to get to a point where my average cull age is 10, I'm quite far from that, though I find if they make it to 10 years they make it to 15 quite often.. Oldest I've had is 18, 16 productive calves.

Quite happy here to make bunches of saleable 8, 9 and 10 year old cows as breds . It seems that is about the age that many of them develop bags that require assistance for the calf to get its first meal. I don't have time for much of that.
gcreekrch said:
Nesikep said:
28 years is impressive, I'd like to get to a point where my average cull age is 10, I'm quite far from that, though I find if they make it to 10 years they make it to 15 quite often.. Oldest I've had is 18, 16 productive calves.

Quite happy here to make bunches of saleable 8, 9 and 10 year old cows as breds . It seems that is about the age that many of them develop bags that require assistance for the calf to get its first meal. I don't have time for much of that.

I think that is an outstanding strategy.
************* said:
TennesseeTuxedo said:

I welcome this level of scrutiny.

We can finally agree on one thing. Palpating and actually counting individual cells is what I pay for, not 25 either, all 100 to get a proper percentage.
gcreekrch said:
Nesikep said:
28 years is impressive, I'd like to get to a point where my average cull age is 10, I'm quite far from that, though I find if they make it to 10 years they make it to 15 quite often.. Oldest I've had is 18, 16 productive calves.

Quite happy here to make bunches of saleable 8, 9 and 10 year old cows as breds . It seems that is about the age that many of them develop bags that require assistance for the calf to get its first meal. I don't have time for much of that.

It is also good to keep a herd young and salable at all times, it gives an operation options it might not otherwise have.
jscunn said:
What is an intensive BSE? Details please..

As per BR, and his prior post

"The Veterinarian Branded is referencing does a very stringent BSE. I have personally observed other vets perform a BSE. I have only seen one - this vet actually palpate the prostate. I have watched vets look at the semen smear and do a "look see" and call the morphology and count good. This vet has the field of the microscope grid in place and he counts every grid. He does a statistical assessment of morphology. I have gone through the process with him several times. He dots every I and he crosses every T. Some folks will not use him. He is tough on scrotal scores which can vary by 3 centimeters if you don't snug it up. Please don't interpret this to mean that he deliberately fails bulls. But he sure don't give any a free pass."
My vet palpates the prostate, he was actually teaching his intern to do it on our last 2 BSEs. My vet also does a grid count. My vet will also watch them move up and down the lane at his vet practice. I guess our bulls pass an super intensive BSE..

Your vet does not do anything special as compared to vets down here, sorry to burst your bubble...
jscunn said:
My vet palpates the prostate, he was actually teaching his intern to do it on our last 2 BSEs. My vet also does a grid count. My vet will also watch them move up and down the lane at his vet practice. I guess our bulls pass an super intensive BSE..

Your vet does not do anything special as compared to vets down here, sorry to burst your bubble...

The vet Brook is using does a thorough BSE. There is a wide range of practices that meet the criteria for a BSE. Reference the Merck manual on performance of a BSE. The most elaborate BSEs run physiological test on the spermatozoa to determine such properties as the capacity of the spermatozoa to bind with the zona of the ovum, ability of spermatozoa to undergo in vitro capacitation, etc. I don't know of any vets in the field doing that.

My only role in this movie is confirming that when this vet does a BSE, it is thorough and strict.

Just an anecdotal comment. Not all BSEs are performed with the same degree of diligence. Because I know this vet has failed bulls that were loaded back on the trailer and hauled to another vet in an adjoining county and passed.

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