Ultra Saber Pour On ?

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Stocker Steve

Well-known member
May 2, 2005
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Central Minnesota
I have had poor results using ivomec pour on for lice control in recent years. Ended up treating cows twice and still had a lot of scratching. I think they recommend two treatments a couple weeks apart to get the new hatch.

I switched to Ultra Saber last month and left ivomec for other applications. The only problem I saw was it turns to jelly at typical Minnesota temperatures...

The Ultra Saber jug says "season long control". The web says "up to four weeks". Can I get good control with one lice treatment in early winter? What can I expect from using Saber in the summer?
We use Dectomax in the fall when we preg check (Oct or early Nov) and then around end of December use Clean Up II for the lice that seem to come back. Clean Up II gets pretty thick and I run it through a Dectomax gun. Best thing is to bring it in the house to warm up over night and then put it in a cooler with a couple of bottles of hot water to keep it warm before we start applying it.
Have had good lice control using several different pouron insecticides plus a cheap permethrin fly tag. Pouron kills adults when treated and fly tag kills what later hatches from eggs.
Was junk when we used two winters ago. Ivomec still works some but used together with BOSS the lice are gone
Magpies disappeared when we used Warbex. They landed on cows' backs and soaked it up in their feet I think. My uncle's heeler dog ran through the Warbex bucket and dumped most of it on himself. A couple years later he got a bunch of tumors and died. Nasty stuff.
I think we have some Warbex left over from when my uncle had his cows. He only used it on the bulls. I'm not sure what he used on the cows.
What happened with just the pour on insecticide?
Lice came back from hatching eggs that were laid before pouron was applied is my guess. Pouron killed adults and fly tags killed lice that hatched from previously laid eggs. Has kept cows lice free all winter.
If you hit them with pour on insecticide something like 14 to 21 days apart it should get the new hatch and clean them up. That's why Clean Up II works is the residual. Ideally use something like Dectomax and 35 days later Clean Up II as the Dectomax residual wears off.
How long is it effective?


Pour-on insecticide with IGR for use on lactating and non-lactating dairy and beef cattle, calves and horses. Kills louse eggs before they hatch; house, stable, horse, black, horn and deer flies; and cattle ticks. Less is more – just one dose kills biting and sucking lice and their eggs, helping make an operation more efficient with less cattle handling, labor costs and time. Many pour-ons require a second application for optimum control. Shown to reduce biting and sucking louse counts 92-99% 7 days post-treatment and virtually eliminate infestations in 14-29 days. Shown to inhibit louse egg hatch by 100% (15 days post-treatment) compared to untreated control animals. Low viscosity allows for easier application at cold temperatures.
Contains 3% diflubenzuron and 5% permethrin.
Directions: Cattle, calves and horses - Pour 3 ml per 100 lbs body weight along backline and down face, to maximum 30 ml per animal. Repeat as needed, no more than once every 2 weeks. Keep away from animal's eyes and mucous membranes. See label for wipe-on and spray instructions for horses and foals.
View Manufacturer and/or Label Information:
Clean-Up™ II Pour-On Insecticide with IGR

I disagree with the "low viscosity" claim, but like I described earlier, keep it warm in a cooler.
Yeah I guess it's a "warmer". Use it for resting brisket from the smoker and for keeping Clean Up II warm. Should do it at the same time and have some nice brisket after pouring.
I always wondered what the secret ingredient was for a juicy brisket.
We used Cylence for years. Cheap, effective and the applicator is great.

I have sat in on seminars where Dr. Don Bliss was the speaker. He is a well-revered parasitologist. He maintains the only way to kill lice is to treat them twice. He went on
to say, 14 days apart. Many years we get buy pouring once, but not always. When you treat for lice be sure to treat EVERYTHING or the ones you don't treat can re-infect the others.

I remember when Cydectin had a 6 month lice guarantee. The government made them pull that guarantee because it wasn't true. Friend worked for them selling Cydectin. She lost her job.

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