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Sep 1, 2016
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Shenandoah ValleyVirginia
Hey, to @Jeanne - Simme Valley and the other members in the crazy SNOWY Northeastern part of the country.... How is everyone doing ???? Saw on another forum I go on, that in Watertown NY they had 45 inches already by early afternoon... pictures are unbelievable... and supposed to get another foot before it blows out???? Is everyone okay????
Gross. I don't know how you can handle that much snow all the time. I get crabby when I have to move snow more than once a week. Around the great lakes it seems to snow every freaking day!
We lucked out UP here only like 30 inches so far but it seems to have tapered off for the most part. Had enough grass to last another few weeks but looks like its hay from here on out.
Is this early for your normal snow blanket to arrive, or about average?
We did not get anything other than flurries - maybe an inch accumulation. And, like Chevy - ours usually stays all winter. "Generally" get a thaw in January. We just ran out of grazing and are on full hay now. We plan on 6 months of feeding - sometimes only about 5 months. End of November thru end of April.
The Great Lakes creates their own rain/snow. "Lake effect" snow. Winds blow over the lakes and picks up the moisture and dumps on us. We have an average 120" a year snow fall. We do not have the ability to stockpile grazing. Snow gets too packed and iced over. We are a very high MOISTURE environment. We don't get the extreme lows, but ours is a much colder FEELING environment.
We usually have snow this early but not usually this much. Ill make the cows graze thru the snow if its fluffy and not sure deep. 20-30 inches is a little much to make them dig thru. We average over 180" of snowfall here, so it usually gets pretty deep.
Last summer just east of here they were losing one head of cattle every other day. Mainly yearlings. The game dept in all their wisdom took out two members of a pack of about 8. They wouldn't take out the alpha female who is of course raising a litter of pups every year. This year during deer season someone shot that female. There is a reward out trying to find this person. I hope they kept their mouth shut.
That snow covered ridge and to the right of this picture is where that pack is running. It is about 12 miles as the crow flies from my place which is nothing for a wolf. So far they have been staying over there. There is the freeway between here and there. If they do head this way hopefully a semi will run them over on the freeway.

Oops somehow landed in the wrong thread.

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Reviving the winter snow thread....

We got our first snow of the year... about 3 inches of it last night after an all day rain event. Had rain Sat night into Sunday morning... had .9 inches... had a lull during the day for several hours of barely a misty sprinkle, then started more rain in the late afternoon and into the evening. Was watching a couple of movies on dvd and looked out to go to bed and the ground was white and even snow on the roads. Left some supper on car seat for son who would be working all night.. and there was about 2-3 inches out there. It was still snowing pretty good and I went to bed.
Must've slowed down to next to nothing after that... about 3 good inches total out there this morning, temps just above freezing. The ground is wet from the rain, and it will not last long. We are going to get up into the low 40's today and the rest of the week; so it might last today but will be gone in another day or 2.
Forewarning of winter... a "trial run" so to speak... since they had said only a dusting on the grassy surfaces, it was a bit of a surprise....
I'm getting more concerned by our lack of snow every day. Nothing in the long range forecast either.

Same UP here. We have a little bit of snow on the ground but not like usual. After a dry summer and now a dry winter it concerns me for the next growing season.

On one hand it is nice to still be grazing cattle and holding out feeding expensive hay, but hopefully things change so that next growing season has a chance.
We got 13.5 inches over Thanksgiving here on the farm, they got closer to 18 inches in town. Kind of funny how much difference six miles can make. We are now down to about 6 inches, so far the 10 day forecast is not looking good for snow.
Adding the rain , then late evening snow we got Sun night into Monday morning... we got 1 inch from that; so a total of 1.9 inches actual water in the rain gauges... I remembered to bring them in tonight as it was already freezing and I didn't want them to break.
About half the snow is gone here withe the sun coming out today... but it got cold fast and is now down to 28 and will drop some more. We are due for sun tomorrow and a bit warmer for the next few days so it will melt... but it has been perfect moisture... not too much or too fast....
Thankful it has come as it has the last 2-3 weeks and soaked in good...
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Would have loved to had this back in August or September.
You aren't kidding.... although we did get a little bit in both Aug and Sept, which kept us from getting desperate, but then Oct was very very dry.... and I had to haul water due to the cumulative effect of low amounts of rain over the previous months...
I am just Thankful for what we are getting now to replenish the ground water supply... and as all farmers are "optimists"... hope for a better year next year.

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