Rugby World Cup

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5 Reasons Why You Should Pause American Football and Watch the Rugby World Cup
Alex Massie Sept. 18, 2015

The balls are similar but rugby has more skills and fewer commercial breaksThe Rugby World Cup kicks of in London on Friday evening when England take on Fiji. The tournament has 20 teams including the U.S. although the strong favorites are New Zealand. While rugby is very popular in some parts of the world and spawned American football in the 19th century, it remains a minority sport in the U.S.. Universal Sports and NBC Sports are broadcasting 16 of the games, although bars popular with expatriates will be showing many more.
If you are more inclined towards American football, here are five reasons you should start paying attention over the next six weeks of the Rugby World Cup.

1. Rugby players don't wear helmets
This is not simply, though it is this too, a question of toughness and courage, it is one of aesthetics and safety too. Though rugby, like American football, is increasingly conscious of the dangers that can be caused by repeated concussions, the lack of helmets — and the extravagant padding that is a feature of American football — paradoxically aids player safety. Head to head collisions are rarer in rugby, largely because the lack of helmets means players are not (wrongly) convinced of their own invulnerability. American football coaches are beginning to appreciate they could learn from rugby. The Seattle Seahawks, Superbowl champions in 2014, have introduced tackling techniques borrowed from rugby to their training sessions. So have the Ohio State Buckeyes, the reigning college football champions. Other elements of American football are also borrowing from rugby: the increasing prevalence of Australian punters in college football and the popularity of "rugby style punting" is evidence that American football can learn from rugby's greater, more varied, range of skills.

2. Rugby players have to be multi-skilled
American football is a game of specialists. With the exception of dual-threat quarterbacks, most players on a gridiron squad have only one job. In the modern era, few players are expected to play on offense and defence. Their rugby counterparts, however, have to be all-rounders. Every player must know how to run, pass, tackle and ruck. No man's contributions are limited to a single facet of the game. Half the players — the backs — must also know how to kick the ball. Every position demands a degree of specialisation but every player must also play his part in the collective effort. All this helps ensure that rugby is a richer, more rounded, game than American football. Trade-offs abound: a player's strength in one element of the game must be weighed against his relative weakness is another facet of rugby. Ultimately, however, more is asked of the players. Rugby is a lateral game as well as a vertical one.

3. A rugby game doesn't last all day
A rugby game last 80 minutes and is over in less than two hours; an American football game lasts 60 minutes and can sometimes take more than three and a half hours to complete. The ball is "live" in a rugby match for 40 minutes and sometimes longer than that. In American football, by contrast, the actual playing time amounts to no more than a handful of minutes. Most of the time nothing is happening. As George Will once observed, "Football combines the two worst things about America: it is violence punctuated by committee meetings." Rugby, of course, is a violent game too but it is also a poetic one, in which the ceaseless ebb and flow of the play creates its own kind of martial rhythm. It is not, as American football frequently seems to be, a three hour commercial break during which, for a few seconds a time, some sport is permitted.

4. Rugby is an international game
Bob Ufer, the long-time commentator on Michigan football observed, "Football is a religion and Saturday's the holy day of obligation" and the gridiron game certainly brings Americans together. Despite taking a handful of games to London each season, however, football largely remains a uniquely American pastime. Rugby, by contrast, is international. The World Cup has become a quadrennial festival of the sport. There are few, if any, other sports in which countries such as Fiji are afforded a moment in the global limelight. What unites rugby people, wherever they are from, is vastly greater than anything that divides them. It brings people and nations together, celebrating the game for the sake of the game just as much as we might, each of us, desperately want our own nation to prevail. National pride is on the line, but there is pride in just being part of the game too. French rugby is very different from Australian rugby which in turn is very different from South African rugby which in turn is distinguished from the brand of rugby played in Samoa. It is a winning and warming mix of styles and people that helps give the game its unique appeal.

5. Most rugby is amateur
Adults actually play rugby for the love of the game. Vanishingly few Americans play football after they have left college; rugby, by contrast, is played into adulthood and even, often, early middle age. It is a game to be played, not just watched. In New Zealand and other heartlands such as Wales or southwest France, every town, no matter how small, has its rugby team. Rugby is how these places define themselves, how they make their mark on their small corner of the world. The vast majority of rugby people play for nothing more than their love of the game and the pride of their club. It is a badge of community honor. The game is bigger and greater than just its highest echelons. Professional rugby stands on the shoulders of the amateur game and, if a game can be said to have a soul, it resides in the countless amateur clubs around the world, not in the relatively small number of players paid to play the sport. Like a fine wine, rugby has "terroir" and this helps make it a deeper, richer, more nourishing sport than American football which, once high school and college have been left behind, largely exists as just a professional circus played by one dimensional behemoths.

Soooo, who's going to be watching rugby??? :p
I don't watch any sports (don't have a TV). I like this
American football frequently seems to be, a three hour commercial break during which, for a few seconds a time, some sport is permitted.
that about sums up my feelings of it
Far and away the most enjoyable sport I ever played. Had the good fortune to play on a USAF team. Traveled and played some great teams from Mexico, New Zealand, Samoa, Canada, and Fiji to name a few. Was always amazed at the international talent that would come to tournaments in Tucsan and Pheonix. Had a few rough matches with USMC team from out west as well, some real rowdy boys!
Quote alisonb
football which, once high school and college have been left behind, largely exists as just a professional circus played by one dimensional behemoths.

That pretty much sums it up. Except you forgot criminals. I can enjoy a good high school football game . but at the pro level it is little more than a circus. Not far behind things like wrestling. It amazes me how grown men will waste Their weekend wedged in a chair , wearing a Jersey with another man's name on it . screaming at a tv playing a game that's most likely rigged to some extent.
I've watched rugby and Austrailian rules football. Both are entertaining but I had no idea what was going on. :lol2: :lol2: Guess I'm easily entertained.
fenceman":iz9bh2xp said:

It amazes me how grown men will waste Their weekend wedged in a chair , wearing a Jersey with another man's name on it . screaming at a tv playing a game that's most likely rigged to some extent.
I resemble that remark.
Ouch :shock: :shock: The Japs just whipped our azzes. There will be a lot of tears out there...tears of joy and tears of sadness!
alisonb":co3v347w said:
Ouch :shock: :shock: The Japs just whipped our azzes. There will be a lot of tears out there...tears of joy and tears of sadness!

Just saw that! Wow what an upset!
25 - 16 to Samoa. You can be proud of your team, they played a tough game, an entertaining game :D I see SA vs USA on the 7 Oct.

Ken - good luck to your team (against Fiji) on the 23rd!
Like TB, I've watched a little rugby, but didn't have a clue what was going on. I will say one thing for it. I vastly prefer it over soccer.
alisonb":346oyf66 said:
Ouch :shock: :shock: The Japs just whipped our azzes. There will be a lot of tears out there...tears of joy and tears of sadness!

Should be good for beer sales. :nod:
alisonb":2fhyilgz said:
Ouch :shock: :shock: The Japs just whipped our azzes. There will be a lot of tears out there...tears of joy and tears of sadness!
Want us to nuke 'em for ya?
I think the Japs have an Aussie coach!
In all seriousness though it is great to see an emerging rugby nation have some success against one of the major rugby nations. I am sure it won't stop the Springboks from going through to the final rounds.
Spring quarter of my freshman year in Jr college I took soccer as a PE class. The last week of class someone suggested we play rugby rather than soccer. This class was made up of freshman and sophomores, but included were the three starting linebackers off the school's football team. All three were combat veteran marines fairly recently back from Nam. Rugby might not have been the best idea. The carriage was significant. Multiple player got to take trips to the hospital including one of the college linebackers. Half way through the game the PE instructor called a halt to our game. I played high school football and rode PRCA bareback broncs and I have to say rugby is a mighty rough sport.