coffee is ready, have a cup

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Question is though, can you take a nap after lunch though? My internal clock has adjusted to 4:30 am, but once I passed about 60 I'm able to grab a nap on weekends. Never could at a younger age.
I would, father does it but he is at retirement age now the spanish do it every day until about 4pm i'm surprised some of you yanks in hotter climes don't do the same, I know I would if I could
We would if we could too.
There are many reasons (and excuses) that we have for not being able to take a nap, or even to get more than a handful hours of sleep at night.

My stand-by excuse is that I have too much to do thus sleep is an inconvenient necessity. Just like eating.

Truth is, I'm full of pizz and vinegar (full of sh!t according to my wife). I'm like the kid that can't lay still on the pallet at nap time, keeping everyone else awake. I can't sleep easy knowing the world is happening without me.

I know; third world problem, and likely why I'm able to relax and enjoy my early mornings, awake, barking at the moon until I wake the rooster. This I do on the back 40, so I don't wake up my darlin or the kids.
I'm up by 4:30, suck down an entire pot of coffee (strong, black) and no naps. Too Type A. Mr. TC? Prone on the couch or his recliner A LOT. But primarily attributed to his health. That said, he hired a 16-year-old neighbor kid to do all the shyt work around here that I volunteered for, but he didn't want me doing it. And it's segued into him being out and active way more than usual because he's either supervising, pulling the dump trailer, etc. I actually think it's the best thing for him - use it or lose it.
There are many reasons (and excuses) that we have for not being able to take a nap, or even to get more than a handful hours of sleep at night.

My stand-by excuse is that I have too much to do thus sleep is an inconvenient necessity. Just like eating.

Truth is, I'm full of pizz and vinegar (full of sh!t according to my wife). I'm like the kid that can't lay still on the pallet at nap time, keeping everyone else awake. I can't sleep easy knowing the world is happening without me.

I know; third world problem, and likely why I'm able to relax and enjoy my early mornings, awake, barking at the moon until I wake the rooster. This I do on the back 40, so I don't wake up my darlin or the kids.
Buddy, you and I gotta pull a cork sometime if you're up my holler or I'm up yours, because we are way too similar.
Buddy, you and I gotta pull a cork sometime if you're up my holler or I'm up yours, because we are way too similar.
I would enjoy the company, and I promise you won't have to squeal like a pig.
Being from Arkansas has a couple or three disadvantages to making friends
I would enjoy the company, and I promise you won't have to squeal like a pig.
Being from Arkansas has a couple or three disadvantages to making friends
I'm from the hills, mountains and coalhills of Alabama, my family didn't universally have running water until the 1970s, and my great-great grandfather did a year and a day in jail for killing a man over moonshiner disputes, you wouldn't be so foreign a fella.
I'm from the hills, mountains and coalhills of Alabama, my family didn't universally have running water until the 1970s, and my great-great grandfather did a year and a day in jail for killing a man over moonshiner disputes, you wouldn't be so foreign a fella.
I've been a know-nothing hillbilly my whole life. I will entertain the idea that I could converse with you or anyone else today, or tomorrow.

You'll have to be patient
I would, father does it but he is at retirement age now the spanish do it every day until about 4pm i'm surprised some of you yanks in hotter climes don't do the same, I know I would if I could
I'm thinking when retirement gets here that afternoon nap through heat of day will become a natural
I'm up by 4:30, suck down an entire pot of coffee (strong, black)
Just to re-enforce this thought.

not coffee.jpg

(Decades ago, I learned to grab sleep anytime possible, as ya never knew when the next opportunity might present itself. Spent LOTS of 18-24 hours on my feet. Now, I 'can' take a nap at a moment's notice, anywhere, any time but usually do not, unless I just have absolutely positively undeniably nothing else to do in this full on retirement stage of life. Also depends just which medications I'm on at any given date)
Just to re-enforce this thought.

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(Decades ago, I learned to grab sleep anytime possible, as ya never knew when the next opportunity might present itself. Spent LOTS of 18-24 hours on my feet. Now, I 'can' take a nap at a moment's notice, anywhere, any time but usually do not, unless I just have absolutely positively undeniably nothing else to do in this full on retirement stage of life. Also depends just which medications I'm on at any given date)
I like strong coffee, and I'm not a good sleeper, I very seldom can nap through the day, I'll doze off in my recliner at night, go to bed and I am wide awake for the longest.
All them years getting up at 2:30 am to feed chickens then go work a 10-12 hr day might have messed me up.
Chickens have to be fed 7 days a week so there's no sleeping late.
I like my coffee strong, my maker has a strong brew setting on it and that's what I use. Drink at least a half a pot every morning and sometimes more throughout the day. Wife bought us a bean grinder a while back, fresh ground taste better. I can't drink caffeinated coffee too late in the afternoon or I won't sleep, it don't take much to keep me from sleeping as I'm usually wired for 220 anyway but if I haven't had caffeine I can go to sleep as soon as I get still at night. As far as napping, I take a nap almost every Sunday after church but I'm a power nap person, 15-30 minutes and I can run a marathon afterwards. It drives my wife crazy. Also drives her crazy that I can rarely make it through a tv show or movie without going to sleep. Like I said, if I get still I go to sleep. I'm usually in bed by 8pm during the winter, later when days get longer and I can actually stay outside longer. We get up around 4 am during the week and not much later than that on weekends. I've never been one for sleeping late, I spent a lot of time with my grandpa growing up and he went to bed with the chickens and got up with them too. My wife wasn't a morning person when we married but has adapted to my ways, she says I get out of bed like the house is on fire. I start talking when my feet hit the floor.
Just to re-enforce this thought.

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(Decades ago, I learned to grab sleep anytime possible, as ya never knew when the next opportunity might present itself. Spent LOTS of 18-24 hours on my feet. Now, I 'can' take a nap at a moment's notice, anywhere, any time but usually do not, unless I just have absolutely positively undeniably nothing else to do in this full on retirement stage of life. Also depends just which medications I'm on at any given date)
When I was in grad school, a fellow student told me a story about coffee. Some ranchers were gathered for something and she was asked to make coffee. She brought the coffee to the table in coffee cups. The rancher that had asked her to make the coffee took one look at the coffee, pulled a penny out of his pocket and dropped it in the cup. Then he asked my classmate what did she see in the cup. She looked and replied back to him "a penny". He replied, "EXACTLY". nuff said . She got the point.
We drink a pot every morning, the Boss wants it coming on and done when she wakes up! I'd make it in the morning if i had to and grab a cup on the run (big cup). We grind beans every night and both drink it black. Ill drink coffee from 5am to 730am at the most.