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Sounds like him…haven't seen any of his stuff in decades so I don't really remember
I was raising kids and pampering a wife for a couple or three decades. Up until recently, I had forgotten all about Gallagher and Carlin. Cool beans. Now I'm gonna have to use the devil Google.
Tis a sad day here, and a moment of silence is called for. A dear beloved member of my household for the last 8 years will be euthanized today. It has greeted me thousands of mornings with it's cheery hello, bringing joy to this family, but, alas, everybody and everything goes eventually. It has struggled for some time now, but, still doing it's best, first being unable to differentiate between day and night, and now, unable to keep itself warm. Just know, that you have served your human masters well and can look forward to your reward in Silicon Heaven, where all the good gadgets like calculators and hand mixers go. So, farewell Mr. Coffee Maker. I shall get another, but nothing can really take your place..
Tis a sad day here, and a moment of silence is called for. A dear beloved member of my household for the last 8 years will be euthanized today. It has greeted me thousands of mornings with it's cheery hello, bringing joy to this family, but, alas, everybody and everything goes eventually. It has struggled for some time now, but, still doing it's best, first being unable to differentiate between day and night, and now, unable to keep itself warm. Just know, that you have served your human masters well and can look forward to your reward in Silicon Heaven, where all the good gadgets like calculators and hand mixers go. So, farewell Mr. Coffee Maker. I shall get another, but nothing can really take your place..
I am usually pretty happy with 4-5 years on Mr. Coffee drip machines. May last longer with more regular vinegar douche applications. Eight years is pretty impressive.
Get a Bunn in its place. Coffee in a minute.
Well, I dunno Kenny. Used to be I was standing there waiting for enough black gold to drip down into the pot so I could get a jolt but it nowadays takes me a lot longer to get out of bed, and do my morning uknowwhat stuff before i grab my first cup of coffee.........
Tis a sad day here, and a moment of silence is called for. A dear beloved member of my household for the last 8 years will be euthanized today. It has greeted me thousands of mornings with it's cheery hello, bringing joy to this family, but, alas, everybody and everything goes eventually. It has struggled for some time now, but, still doing it's best, first being unable to differentiate between day and night, and now, unable to keep itself warm. Just know, that you have served your human masters well and can look forward to your reward in Silicon Heaven, where all the good gadgets like calculators and hand mixers go. So, farewell Mr. Coffee Maker. I shall get another, but nothing can really take your place..
And here I was thinking it was the budgie.

We were talking about that today with visitors. They said the border videos of people crossing are inflated, that there aren't near the numbers that the news would have us believe. And I've seen similar stuff driving through places where the news has said is a disaster zone... and really don't see much damage. Now I'm not saying it's not out there, but knowing the television business is to promote advertising, and the way they cultivate advertisers is to grow an audience, and the way they get a bigger audience is to sensationalize because we are dumb enough to go for the exaggerated... I would not be surprised if a lot of what we see is in reality a tenth of what the "news" would have us think.
"There have now been 16 straight months of OVER 150,000 illegal border crossings."
View attachment 44859

I would say that 150,000 illegal crossings a month is WAY TOO MANY.
I could read it differently, because the way it's worded could be read two different ways. And it makes a huge difference. And what does "mostly true" mean?
My Darlin Companion reminded me of one great interaction we had shortly after we got hitched together.
It was at a Wednesday evening church meeting, and the menu was newish young couples like us. The preacher teacher had a gaggle of us sitting in a circle. I was really uncomfortable.

He asked each man to say something nice about their wife, and to look them in the eye when saying it.
Neither me or new wife were endeared to the idea, so when my turn came, I looked her square in the eye and said "well, you're not knock-kneed!".
When the ladies turn came around, she looked me in the eye and said "you ain't boring".

I guess turn-about is fair play. I'm fairly certain that is why we're still together
I could read it differently, because the way it's worded could be read two different ways. And it makes a huge difference. And what does "mostly true" mean?
Not sure what you are referring to "could be read two different ways".
The "meter" is the "Fact or Fiction" meter about the whole article. So, definitely was not fiction.
Here's a random thought...

I wonder how many folks enjoy cooking dinner in their birthday suit!

Baked potato with butter, sour cream and cheddar, and hamburger steak with peppers, onion, and mushrooms.