30-40 Million People in America Could Be Evicted

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He can't do that...... just FYI.
According to you. He should do just like Lincoln declare martial law and suspend Habeas corpus.
I firmly believe the red states should secede if this isn't put on trail before all Americans.
There is no healing here .
Four years you holler Russia rigged election now there is no such thing as election fraud.
Talking out both sides there.
I am willing to accept the outcome of an open trail before all Americans, why are you scared for it to go.
According to you. He should do just like Lincoln declare martial law and suspend Habeas corpus.
I firmly believe the red states should secede if this isn't put on trail before all Americans.
There is no healing here .
Four years you holler Russia rigged election now there is no such thing as election fraud.
Talking out boy sides there.
I am willing to accept the outcome of an open trail before all Americans, why are you scared for it to go.
What the heck are you talking about, "suspend habeas corpus"??

If you have proof of election fraud, please share it. There has been no proof so far after over 60 court cases.
There has to be something to try before you have a trial.
Why are you so afraid of an open, free, and fair election? Because that is exactly what this was. It was a landslide according to Trump.
Read your history.
Lincoln declared martial law and suspended habeas corpus. Federal troops actually fired on the citizens of Baltimore.
Soapbox, ballot box and if history repeats itself followed by the cartridge box.
My purpose here is not to debate some miscreant who has no standing in the affairs of man but to appeal to men of reason to take the opportunity
to contact their elected representative and give voice to any objection they may have concerning the abberation otherwie referred to as the recent
for president. Balaam's ass never made it to Canada as far as I know; therefore we can ignore any braying coming that quarter.
My purpose here is not to debate some miscreant who has no standing in the affairs of man but to appeal to men of reason to take the opportunity
to contact their elected representative and give voice to any objection they may have concerning the abberation otherwie referred to as the recent
for president. Balaam's ass never made it to Canada as far as I know; therefore we can ignore any braying coming that quarter.
You picked an international platform to blather on about foolish conspiracies. Hypocrites and fools such as yourself can be spotted from across borders. Continue your ridiculous charade if you must, it is only your pitiful self that is diminished in the process. Polemicists such as yourself are a dime a dozen and mean less than nothing to me.
Silver One has to wonder if something means less than nothing pray tell, why does it merit your consideration for a response?
In all fairness, it might make more sense to take an interest in your own affairs. From the reports I am receiving from my
cousins up there (whom I dearly love) there is more concern about Senator Marilou McPhedran's bill S-209 to lower the
voting age from 18 to 16 years of age than our in house struggles. What would it avail either of us to have the White House
turned into an Alzheimer ward and Ottawa overran with teenagers? God Bless Canada!
I would be happy to discuss the deplorable state of affairs in either Ottawa or Victoria. It is my experience that few others care to engage.
I have told you before, and at the risk of it failing to sink in once more I will tell you again, that like it or not American politics does in fact have a major impact on daily life in Canada. It behooves us to have an understanding of what is happening with our largest trading partner and greatest ally.
I think it is also important that the US takes more than a passing interest in it's most important trading partner, but that does appear unlikely to happen.
Right now there is a plain Jane 2008 Kia parked in the garage. It has 266,000+ miles on it.
I've actually found that the options give a vehicle value when it gets older, if maintained.. I don't know about that on a Kia, but on pickups, sportscars, etc, the base model will never sell very well, even in decent condition... Since it's what I drive, I'll take a 2000 era Dodge truck.. If you have a base model Auto, gasser 2wd, you can hardly get anything for it. If you have a loaded leather 6 spd diesel 4x4 in nice shape, you get good money for them even with higher miles.. Yes, the purchase price was higher too of course, but you can get something back

The problem I'm seeing now is that inflation (real inflation, not posted inflation) is far out-stripping wage hikes.. around here, property prices doubling ever 5 years, you just can't save fast enough to ever get a down payment. Friend of mine has a good job, wife works, they have a kid, they don't live an extravagant life, and getting ahead just doesn't happen... The only good thing about renting is if the economy goes to crap, you don't lose the investment in the house, though you might be homeless anyhow

What about farmland? well, around here we bought for $200k in 1990, and we'd be completely stupid to sell for less than 10x that, 6 acre places with a house are 5-800K... Only people that can afford to buy are people who only consider it as an investment, they've got deep pockets from having bought bitcoin or something... bigger places that have commercial viability are being bought up by corporations like Walmart and other mega-families.. Then they play hand in hand with JBS...

The middle class is shrinking, yes, some is from poor money management, but that's not the root cause... the root cause is that even well managed money can't keep up
My purpose here is not to debate some miscreant who has no standing in the affairs of man but to appeal to men of reason to take the opportunity
to contact their elected representative and give voice to any objection they may have concerning the abberation otherwie referred to as the recent
for president. Balaam's ass never made it to Canada as far as I know; therefore we can ignore any braying coming that quarter.
I did not think so....
Just because someone may say it, doesn't make it true.....
As stated prior in this thread, not long until 20Jan21.
We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
I would be happy to discuss the deplorable state of affairs in either Ottawa or Victoria. It is my experience that few others care to engage.
I have told you before, and at the risk of it failing to sink in once more I will tell you again, that like it or not American politics does in fact have a major impact on daily life in Canada. It behooves us to have an understanding of what is happening with our largest trading partner and greatest ally.
I think it is also important that the US takes more than a passing interest in it's most important trading partner, but that does appear unlikely to happen.
Your absolutely right. Canada could vaporize tonight... nobody would notice...... well maybe the shortage of wood pulp to make mask... LoL
Just because someone may say it, doesn't make it true.....
As stated prior in this thread, not long until 20Jan21.
We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Here's the real problem no matter who's in there.
Rasmussen poll today 48% believe he is not legitimate.
That's not going away IMO.
Hard to govern when half the country is fighting you tooth and nail like the last four years.
On Canada - Let it be known I have no argument with Canada. My relationship with my Canadian cousins goes back at least 7 generations there
and continues on this side of the border for another 3 generations. I do have a big problem with progressive marxist leaning liberals of any stripe
be they from Sudbury , San Francisco, Saskatoon or Sioux Falls or any place on the map you choose to put a pin. Some of the nicest most generous
people I know are Canadians (which may have more to do with the relationship) eh! I would urge anyone with a heart for people and beautiful
scenery to visit our neighbors to the north. I suppose we should be grateful they drive on the same side of the road but I will admit some of their
system of measurements give me pause. Like using an off kelter gallon then selling petro by the litre! As a result oil rich Canada extracts extra money
from a citizenry compelled in many cases to drive much further for services than you or I. I receive Christmas cards from up there and I see the postage
runs a buck thirty (Canadian) for a stamp which equates to right at a dollar U.S There would be screaming to high heaven down here if stamps were
to go to dollar tomorrow. Admittedly I am no authority on monetary exchange rates but I would venture it has a lot to do with penchant for Socialism
at the national level and perhaps a greater percentage of the Canadian ecomomy depends on raw material than a finished product compared to the
rest of the industrialized world. Now do I appreciate anyone outside of my country giving voice to what we do on our own turf? Hell No!
but I do understand it happens sometimes and why . Even so...............................
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