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  1. snake67

    I'm Racist ?????????

    Do not take it seriously - sounds like you were talking with some educated folks. They simply proved that having an education does not make you smart - in fact it often makes you down right stupid. Next time you see that Doc tell him Bez says hello and that he also said it is now time for him...
  2. snake67

    These 10 People Collectively Own 33 Million Acres, Or 1.5%

    Perhaps in my next life the odds of improving my position through being an "accident of genetics" will pick up. Bez
  3. snake67

    Drones for agriculture use

    Night vision is a good thing. The Go-Pro, well I am not that familiar with them as I only used the small one on my helmet in Afghanistan. Does this one have "zoom" capability? If not I would recommend you look at something else as objects - even big ones - get very small very quickly from any...
  4. snake67

    Changing My Name - Yet Again!

    I am close to 1000 posts and it is time to change my name again. I do not believe in being called a guru. Is there an easier way to find an email address? I have been with hotmail, gmail, and a dozen others. This system will not allow me to use the same email address for a new account No...
  5. snake67


    Come and get it - we have had snow since November and it is deep - cows cannot walk through it Bez
  6. snake67

    Drones for agriculture use

    Thanks to the military I have been involved in UAVs for many years. I spent a lot of time in Yuma teaching US Spec Forces folks on their use. If all goes well I will be teaming with a good guy from Kansas and starting out within the next couple months on yet another venture. The use of UAVs...
  7. snake67


    And while you talk about the good life I am getting buried in a big snowstorm - heavy drifting and getting cold again Bez
  8. snake67

    dusk to dawn lights

    They are not cheap but this is a 24 hour a day operation and seems to be getting even bigger despite my complaints about slowing down. We run three of them and our power bill is usually around 500 bucks or more a month - the joys of living in the part of Canada with the most expensive...
  9. snake67

    My new baby

    My dear lady, The one thing I have learned about animals, cold weather and calving/lambing is as follows: Without a good woman around this place I would well and truly be up the creek without a paddle! We are ready for spring here as well - minus 30 yesterday and minus 24 this morning. Add in...
  10. snake67

    My new baby

    He will make it - those calves that are a bit bigger just take a little longer sometimes Be safe and be happy Bez
  11. snake67


    I have a pic very similar to that and in similar country. We used to use Toyotas with beefed up under carriage and spaced armour - lighter than you would expect. Traveled in groups of three to four at a time when we were on the prowl. Belt fed in Canada? Sorry - even I do not want to go there...
  12. snake67


    Closer to the truth than most realize - not enough high capacity mags in the pic - only need a few frags and one or two LAU and you would be right on the money Stored within easy reach but not in the house - you have to know where to go Bez
  13. snake67

    I sure do miss him....

    It does not matter. The population has been socially re-engineered He could not get elected today Bez
  14. snake67


    Actually, I can be - best to you Bez
  15. snake67


    Too late - already stored in big data and has been perused by machines that pick out articles, letters and more - simply because one or more words they are programmed to look for happened to appear in the article. From there it will go through a more stringent check by machines - still not seen...
  16. snake67

    American flag shirts banned

    You should have waited for the edit my friend - you might have changed your mind Bez
  17. snake67

    American flag shirts banned

    Seems to me that you guys have pretty much lost control of what your country used to be. Now it is run by special interest groups and people who have come there to bring their ideals and ideologies with them. Rather than become citizens of the US of A these folks want to turn it into a country...
  18. snake67

    raw hamburger meat

    I have eaten a lot of ugly animals and bugs in some even uglier parts of the world - but I have never eaten a liver that tasted like it was worth taking a second bite Bez
  19. snake67

    raw hamburger meat

    Liver prepared in any manner or not prepared is gross - I would only eat it if I were on deaths door and that liver was the solution to life. Bez
  20. snake67

    Sell by date on meat product

    I would take them back simply out of principle and complain Would you want a doctor to use an expired drug on you? Even if it had been frozen and stored properly? Bez