Off-Season Workouts? Ideas?

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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2007
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Hey guys&gals,

I'm in a sort-of a bind during this off-season. My barrel horse and I just finished up our first hard season and the season for us doesn't start up again til March. I recently aquired a new herd member too. An 8 month old filly. Anyways, I definantly want/need to keep my barrel horse in good condition this off-season and work with the filly too. I work til 5:00 (dark around here by then) Monday - Friday and I'm looking for some things I can do with both of them to keep 'em working. I'm trying to keep them both on a regular schedule with feeding and working them. I like to do a little something with them everyday, but this whole dark-by-the-time-I-get-home thing makes it hard. I have some ideas already, but I need some ideas on filling in the gaps.

MONDAY: Brush-down (both)
TUESDAY: Longe-line (both)
WEDNESDAY: Flexing (from ground); (both)
THURSDAY: (need idea for both)
FRIDAY: Tie-up day & Clean up Barn (both)
(I like to give my horses a few hours of tied-up time because it helps teach patients, which both horses need)
SATURDAY: Barrels & Poles (need something for the filly)
SUNDAY: Trail Ride & Flexing in-saddle (thinking about ponying the filly along for a trail ride?)

I have a good sized barn lot and I can turn on the barn lights and see to do some things with them.

Any ideas would be greatly appriciated :nod:
It isn't good to lunge the filly. It is too hard on young joints. It is easy to mess one's legs up. You can start her ground work by doing in hand trail obstacles and in hand pattern work.

Doing the same with your gelding will keep him fresh and listening to you. Showmanship patterns can be challenging and will really make you and your horse a team. It puts you both on the same wavelength.

It gives you and your horse something different to do. Many people do not like showmanship because it is difficult to do well.

Glad you had a good year and congrats on your new filly!
well, I say lunge. For the filly it's more like walking circles around me. I guess you could call it training to lunge. Don't worry, I think it would be too hard on her too. But, I'd like to at least get her started on the idea of it. The in hand trail courses, I'd never thought of. I like that one. Thanks!
Have you raised a weanling before?

Keeping a young horse only walking is easier said than done. Teaching one to walk around you at a close distance is not a good thing either. It encourages a horse to circle should it become excited or nervous.
I haven't raised one fully on my own, but my sister and her husband have. I've also got a good friend who raises & trains all the time, and they are all giving me some pointers and advice. I have trained all of my horses to lunge and have never had a problem. Of course, they were a little older than the filly. But, the times I have worked with her on it nothing seemed to bother her. I never thought anything of it maybe causing problems. When I do it with her she's on a long lunge line. She's not in tight circles around me. Nor is she ever excited or nervous. But, I do think you might be right about holding off on her til she's a little older and her muscles and bones are stronger. I really like the in-hand obstacle course idea though. Seems like it would be great for her and it would keep my barrel horse fresh. Thanks :)

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