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  1. Dusty Britches

    Castrating a bull

    Interesting to me that some vets prefer banding. I have several vets and they all prefer the knife cut. Perhaps it is a southern thing or our vets were all farm raised as well as the vet school instructors at Texas A&M. It's like one vet explained to me - wrap a rubber band around your pinky...
  2. Dusty Britches

    Dehorning questions

    So ... when you use the electric dehorner like that, Dave, does the horn just immediately fall off, fall off later, or do you cut it after that?
  3. Dusty Britches

    Dehorning questions

    What is that? I can't tell. I see it is electric, but I don't have electricity.
  4. Dusty Britches

    Dehorning questions

    That's not a feasible solution to my questions at this time. Plus, I've learned from breeders that sometimes the genetics get it wrong on homozygous polled. My friends has a "homozygous" polled bull that produces horned calves. I told them he was not homozygous. But, that is for a different...
  5. Dusty Britches

    Dehorning questions

    I have always used Angus bulls in the past but 2 years ago we moved to a Hereford bull. We've been buying commercial Brangus but surprise, surprise! not all of them are really full blood Brangus. The end result that this post is getting to - I occasionally have a few calves that have horns...
  6. Dusty Britches

    Gene Edited Calf Resistant to BVD

    If it is so easy, then why "...a virus that costs the U.S. cattle sector billions of dollars annually...."; "... BVDV is one of the most significant viruses affecting the health and well-being of cattle worldwide, ..."; and "...Despite more than 50 years of vaccine availability, controlling BVDV...
  7. Dusty Britches

    Gene Edited Calf Resistant to BVD

    Very interesting article on how U of Nebraska, USDA, and U of Kentucky developed a gene edited calf that is resistant to BVD. BEEF Magazine Bovine viral diarrhea virus can be disastrous to pregnant cows because it can infect developing calves, causing spontaneous abortions and low birth rates...
  8. Dusty Britches

    Mineral feeders

    I remember that idea, bbirder. Please post photos!
  9. Dusty Britches

    Mineral feeders

    But this photo looks like it is curved and has a big gap.
  10. Dusty Britches

    Mineral feeders

    I've been thinking about this type of feeder for some time but I'm worried rats, skunks and other varmints will hide out in them and bite my cattle. Have y'all not had an issue with that?
  11. Dusty Britches

    Vaccine availability??

    No. That was antibiotics only. And that hasn't taken effect yet.
  12. Dusty Britches

    Vaccine availability??

    Our Co-Op just got in a limited supply too and I lucked out - they had the variant that I needed. VL6 HB + Somnus. Katpu - I hope your vet is correct. I lost 2 late terms calves when I did that. No more.
  13. Dusty Britches

    Your Opportunity to Chime in on Greg Judy's Methods

    I think everyone has some good advice but to blindly follow someone without critically thinking about what they said or advise, is cult-tish. His idea of hot wires is good and leasing is good but moving cows every day? barf. I think it is incredibly inefficient to move cattle AND hot wires...
  14. Dusty Britches

    cow with upward curved hooves and walking a little lame..anyone had this happen?

    As a commercial operator, there's no way I'd ever trim any of my cow's feet unless there was an infection. I do not have the time or money to mess with that. I have several 12+ year old cows that have never had any problems with their feet. I agree very much with gcreekrch - seed stock...
  15. Dusty Britches

    Calf Cradle

    OOOOHHH that looks fancy!
  16. Dusty Britches

    Bleach for scours

    I don't have time to clean tanks weekly. I tried goldfish but they kept dying. Now that I rotate pastures, I drain the tanks the day I move the cattle out and refill the day I move them in so each tank stays empty most of the month. No algae, no slime.
  17. Dusty Britches

    Bleach for scours

    I have put bleach in a water trough to kill bacteria there but not as a treatment plan.
  18. Dusty Britches

    Hauling 2 week old calf to the vet

    You said she'll be at the vet most of the day? And she's 2 weeks old? Personally, I've found it is a whole lot less stressful to keep momma with baby. I'll bet the vet doesn't want to deal with an overly protective mother but if you aren't worried and it's no trouble, I'd recommend keeping...
  19. Dusty Britches


    I bought a load of heifers that were clean when I brought them in but soon nearly every one of them had warts. Most was just minor but since I was treating the major ones I treated them all. There were 2 heifers that 20% of their bodies were covered with warts. After fighting it for several...
  20. Dusty Britches

    Tetanus question?

    I'm in Central Texas and tetanus is always a concern. My thoughts - Be Kind, Be Quick: Use a knife. Squirt betadine on the cut. Put a tight rubber band on your pinky and see how long you last before you want to cut it off.