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  1. F

    Young Bull

    I had a leased bull with my cows (and 1 heifer) last year from July to February this year - kept him a little longer than my 2 month agreement - wonder if they will lease to me again this year - anway I never saw him breed any of my cows. I also had a horned steer (pet) in with the herd, he...
  2. F

    I didn't see the fencing board (rant)

    Glad I'm not the only one. I have one cow (a different one) that was escaping 3-4 times a day until I fixed the barbed wire yesterday - she has a calf (who she always left behind) - if she didn't - she would have been gone weeks ago. The best was Monday afternoon when I looked over at my...
  3. F

    I didn't see the fencing board (rant)

    Something about spring and fences that fail. I spent all day fixing barbed wire fencing and tonight I was out again fixing the stupidest cattle fencing around - white stretching stuff that my cattle just plow right thru.. I do have a line of electric on that one section, but it must not be...
  4. F

    Do I have to wean my heifer calves?

    I was planning on weaning the bull calf, but thought maybe I could just leave the heifers with their Mom's who have been bred this year again? Thanks - Jill
  5. F

    First calf of the season

    Congrats! It must be in the air - we got our first 2 calves this morning. One bull calf, and the other I'm not sure yet. These are my first calves, so it's a whole new adventure for me. Jill