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  1. C

    How Long Will This Market Last?

    I see it as an opportunity to cash out, get out of debt, and slowly get back in as cash allows. Sure selling $1000 calves is nice, but with hay prices where they are(at least locally), there is not a pencil in the world sharp enough to make it work. My only concern is the hit on capital gains...
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    West coast users of friendly/beneficial endophyte fescues

    I used to live in Green. Anyways, I was over there last week before they tricked me into back surgery, and I would say this year you are gonna have to just hold tight and wait for rain. I have never seen it that dry over there as this year. Have you soil tested? Seems lots of the ground off...
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    West coast users of friendly/beneficial endophyte fescues

    Rhune, where in s oregon? I am east of klamath and planted a mix from barenbrug a couple years ago. It is rocking for production. You can buy directly from a rep, and depending on how much you can pick it up yourself in Tangent. We got an independent dealer over here too that peddles forage...
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    Grazing Price Question

    I think mine is around $12/hd/mo. So if I put 25 hd in there for about six weeks I figure it is about $500. If it is winter ground and he isn't feeding, it is worth every bit of that to him. But 200 hd on 400 acres won't last that long. At least I don't think.
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    Grazing Price Question

    I would say since it is in the middle of his other allotment it is worth it to him to not have others bringing in cows. If this is range, non-irrigated native pasture it will depend on the year as far as carrying capacity. I rent some from my parents. 160 ac in similar country and they get...
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    WW Beefmaster Squeeze

    Thanks for the feedback. From looking at pictures I am not sure we feel that comfortable with the whole tailgate set up. It looks like an anxious cow could just let her way right up in the palp cage if she wanted to. And it seems there is nothing to stop the one in the chute from backing over...
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    WW Beefmaster Squeeze

    Probably not the right place to put this question, but anyone have one of these? Any likes/dislikes about WW equipment for a permanent set up? vs say building a wood sweep, alley leading to a PR chute? Would really like a Moly Silencer, but for 50 cows and 100 stockers not really going to cut...
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    Rotational Grazing/MiG leasing

    True about the good business part.
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    Rotational Grazing/MiG leasing

    Jim, Not to sound cross, but do you lose many opportunities with that language in the contract? Albeit no deal is better than a bad deal, but for me that wouldn't go over too well. There are just too many fat pockets that keep landowners from seeing past the end of the month.
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    Bats, birds, and bugs...

    To start off we have a lot of mosquitoes in a normal summer. Sometimes so thick it is ridiculous. (Not to say they are bigger or meaner than anywhere else, but they are what I would call bad. So I have been planning some natural control methods. First is eliminating standing water wherever we...
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    Fertilizer composition

    Anyone know the chemical compound of "Sulfate of Potash" I am thinking it might be 11-52-0-2, but trying to figure it out. Thanks
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    What do you wish you were told?

    I read a lot of these posts and seldom reply Nut for some reason I feel compelled to on this topic. Two things have come up on here recently that should be restated... 1. There is no shame in dragging home an empty trailer 2. Iso's comment about better dirt that is established is worth...
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    Herd bull prices

    Had a Black Angus sale here last week...There were about 60 bulls, low was $3,000 and high was $7,500. The average went about $4,700. If you wean an $800 animal, I guess the rule of thumb is about right. I bought two bulls at this same sale in 2008. those two average $1700. Rule of thumb...
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    Gettin out or stayin in

    Well, not that it makes a bit of difference to anyone here but me, but the girls got on the bus this morning. We didn't get rid of them all, just enough to pay off all the debt on them while retaining the rest to "rebuild". It will also give us a chance to "grow" into the rotational grazing...
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    Gettin out or stayin in

    Well I will see him this afternoon at a local bull sale. He might be wanting to pick up an extra bull or two to get these girls bred back. My thoughts are that the cows are not my primary source of income, truly they could be considered a hobby. But, I wouldn't trade the lifestyle my kids...
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    Gettin out or stayin in

    I know there have been a few people on here admit to gettin out of the business in the past only to get back in. I do believe that there are some aspects of addiction to raising cattle.... But what would it take for you guys/gals to get out? The reason I ask is that I had a guy offer me...
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    Dun - any idea on how much those cost per test? there is a special call for price on their site, but the ones for dogs are awfully spendy!
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    thanks hookline, I'll check out that website. No, we don't have a whole bunch of cows, <100, and we do live quite a ways from the vet so the trip charge is what kills me.
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    Does anyone on here do it, or know much about it? I heard one guy pitch it a couple years ago and didn't think much of it. I truly like my vet and value his expertise, but depending on his schedule it can take quite a long time to get everything lined up to do preg checking or "routine" things...
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    Sitz Aliiance 7544

    Anyone use his sons? How did they do for you? I discovered one of my herdbulls got upside down in a ditch and passed on.... Now I am looking to replace him. I have found some yearlings who are sons of SA 7544, but have not used this line before. I have mostly moderate size cows, am looking...