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  1. Z

    checking cows - pick apart my plan :)

    I was going to move a few about 1/2 hour away and check them every 2-3 days, mainly to check/fill water tanks. However after checking the fences I'm not going to move them now. Given good fence and water supply, I would stick with the 2-4 day check. Not sure I'd want them any further away...
  2. Z

    Bud Box

    Been finding some better ones, just have to know how to feed the google machine properly.
  3. Z

    Bud Box

    Are there any reference sites that show overhead drawings? I need to build a system and I'm reading all the reference material I can, including threads like this.
  4. Z

    Grass height for grazing

    My grass pastures are about 3-5 inches long, could really use more rain here in CO! Folks who irrigate might have grass knee high.
  5. Z

    So it's still not spring

    Colorado winter has been very low on moisture. I'd be happy with anything we get right now. Almost daily red flag warning for fires, already a few withing miles of me.
  6. Z

    Water Trough question?

    Here it is. I'm hoping the sun comes out enough over the next week to get in and get some measurements.
  7. Z

    Water Trough question?

    Yes, they are all on a fence line. It's right down the middle of each concrete structure.
  8. Z

    Water Trough question?

    Yes, the tank would be quartered if you look at it from overhead. I'm gonna have to replace some of the poles that were torched at ground level, but that shouldn't be hard. Then it will have 4 pastures feeding the the water.
  9. Z

    Water Trough question?

    There is a standard round trough in the middle. What you described makes sense that you'd put a grate over these concrete sections and be able to drive from pasture to pasture.
  10. Z

    Water Trough question?

    So, cattle grates were placed over the concrete to move/or keep from moving from pasture to pasture. That makes sense. If we can get a long enough break from the snow, I'll dig them out to see if there is anything below ground level. The round water tank tank also has a couple pipes inside...
  11. Z

    Water Trough question?

    My family just added a piece of land that we're thinking of starting our cattle venture on. The parcel is part of what was once a thousand acre working ranch for cattle. On the land we found a watering system, but there are 4 concrete troughs each 90 degrees off from each other, sunk into the...