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  1. Scout

    Another fence question

    Yep, dun's right (as usual ;-) ) High-tensile is some good stuff. Great if it's by trees, or where deer will tear down other fences. Whatever way you choose to go with for your posts- just make sure that you set those corners well. That's the life of your fence. If you feel like it's...
  2. Scout

    Sensitivity Training

    Bez, I am laughing out loud at your story. I love it. There's probably nothing that a blue tarp can't 'fix.'
  3. Scout

    Hot wire fence

    The white is alot easier to see than any other color I've seen used. The 1/2" to 3/4" tape is sufficient- I've found that it gets the job done. (as opposed to the 1 1/2 - 2" wide) Using the tape stuff sure is nice to put up and take down - have used it for a temporary fence around hay bales...
  4. Scout

    Why Will A cow.....

    I guess it's the same reason cows will always get wherever you don't want them. Pull a trailer out in a field, there they are. Do dirt work, where do they stand? On the dirtpile or near it. Just because.
  5. Scout

    2 new additions

    it takes a week or two for the tetanus shot to 'work', right?
  6. Scout


    you can depreciate the donkey that runs with the cows, too. :) Thank goodness for CPA's, though.
  7. Scout

    Japanese Yew

    The cows are poisonous? ;-) :)
  8. Scout

    backwards calves

    msscamp, I've heard that about pulling down rather than straight out, too.
  9. Scout

    Tips to judging a cows age

    It seems like eared cattle age more, um, gracefully. Anybody else ever noticed that?
  10. Scout

    Warning to the Beginners and Wantabees.

    Kind of like a heiferette? ;-)