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  1. S


    Making hay also helps in managing pastures. Grass growth never quite matches herd needs. Either too much or too little grass. Bale it and put it in a hay shed or hire it inline wrapped when too much grass. Feed it in a sacrifice area when not enough grass rather than destroying pastures. I...
  2. S

    Culling cow heard

    I am building my herd numbers up internally by retaining all heifers for now. The only way I cull any cow or heifer is if she is open. Even then I want to see a blood test confirmation on ones that my vet calls as open or can not determine at preg check time in the fall. After I get to my...
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    Beef at Farmers Market

    Thanks for posting your price list. Are those prices in US or Canadian dollars. Seems to be about a 35 cent difference in exchange rate. This would put your $5.50 ground beef at $4.08 US dollars which seems low. BTW to sell by the cut or wholesale, in addition to being slaughtered and processed...
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    Cost of keeping a cow

    A few years ago both Iowa State and the U of MN had numbers of around $500-550/yr to keep a cow I think currently that would have to be 600-700. I use $650. for the cow plus 50% of that to get a spring calf to January. So $975 is my breakeven on a calf sold in January though I don't really sell...
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    Well that wasn't going to happen today

    I found that backing the trailer up to the loading ramp a couple days early and leaving it helps. They get used to it being there.
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    Heavy Bred Prices

    Commercial $1500-1600 range, registered $1800-2000 range. Depending on quality, teeth etc. Jim
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    If you have long term lease agreements on this additional land, make up a plan, buy bred cows. Go to a good local banker, go over your plan and borrow money to purchase some bred cows, not heifers, cows. A good local banker will give you feedback on your plan. You can use the cows for...
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    cows ability to be bred back

    Thank you. No, you certainly don't want to be calving year around in these weather conditions. Some folks in the Dakotas have an indoor calving barn where they bring in cows that are about to calve in Jan and Feb. but that is a lot of work and you sure don't want to miss one. If a cow calves...
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    cows ability to be bred back

    Thank you for the information and link. Folks keep telling me my cows are too fat. This morning the temperature (no wind chill) was -10 degrees F. With the windchill it was -31 degrees F. Those girls need all the fuel they can get right now. I believe under their thick winter coats they are...
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    cows ability to be bred back

    That sounds like a cow to keep a bull calf from to spread the good genetics around. Impressive. A cows number 1 job is to have a a calf every year on the same day at least. She is doing her job.
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    I opened up more grazing corn to the calves today (pics)

    Farmerjon, I just saw your questions here. I hope I answered them on the other site. The two keys I found to grazing high yielding corn are 1) no bred females (calves get too big) 2) control access so the calves do not get too much grain and get acidosis, etc. It is important to understand...
  12. S

    I've got this itch...

    The pigtails were put in before freeze up In November. I can't get them out now. It they are in a line across the corn strip and I'll pull them when we get a thaw. Now I use rebar posts and a big hammer. The rebar goes right thru frozen ground - if you use a big enough hammer! Dare makes some...
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    I've got this itch...

    There is no one answer to that as my acres/head to finished has varied so much from year to year. Depends on your grain yield, corn variety, palatability, etc. I move the cross wires about once a week when they have eaten the ears, husks, leaves and upper stalk on the previous area. As I am...
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    What do you do when you get too big

    I think the response to this varies by who your customer is. Some folks when Wal-Mart says "jump!" they ask "how high?". Some folks don't give a darn about what Wal-Mart says. I do agree that this is a marketing plan and if it increases total beef consumption in the USA than I wish them well...
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    What do you do when you get too big

    That certainly simplifies everything... ;-) Jim
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    What do you do when you get too big

    It's marketing. Wal-Mart is responding to what they see as a more profitable segment of the market. They see a lot more opportunity to profit from the Sustainable Ag crowd than the looking for $2/lb hamburger crowd. Good post Bez but I wouldn't get my shorts in a bind over it. Many people...
  17. S

    I've got this itch...

    Watching a few calves in a fresh patch grazing corn I opened yesterday, I noticed one full steer stopped for a last ear before heading to the waterer but then decided to use one of my frozen-in pigtail posts for a good scratch. He was fun to watch as he worked back and forth. Nothing like a...
  18. S

    Anyone else find the popup ads in the upper corner offensive

    I agree completely. My computer is also screened and clean. I logout of this forum, cleaned cookies, cache, and history to boot. Came back to this site as a guest and only had the clean yogurt ads cycling for some time. I then logged back in an immediately the animated offensive ad restarted...
  19. S

    Anyone else find the popup ads in the upper corner offensive

    And the reason you and the other women on this site do not get the asian women and cartoon boob game ads are the ad system has picked up your gender and maybe age from your profile on this site and targeted "women's" ads to you and eliminated the sex ads.
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    Anyone else find the popup ads in the upper corner offensive

    Doing a little research, if I logout of this forum and come back in all I get are the yogurt and other "clean" ads. As soon as I log back in the offensive ads start. So what that tells me is that the ad system is using profile information from this website to target ads. Probably gender, age...