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  1. SPH

    Bull hip height and frame score.

    Kind of the same thoughts I have. Give me a well made cow in the 5-6 frame range with that weight range and she'll be productive and efficient for you. We do pay attention to frame size but the difference between a 5 and 6 frame for a yearling bull at 12 months is 2 inches and at 48 months is...
  2. SPH

    Bull hip height and frame score.

    The great frame score debate lives on! My thoughts are if someone doesn't like bulls under a certain frame score such as a 6 or 7 the bull better have some guts to him because there are plenty of 6 and 7 frame score bulls out there that are more leg than guts than what some of the 5+ frame size...
  3. SPH

    Update on rotational grazing

    Well that explains a lot, I am not going to be critical of your practices as we can't even compare your environment to ours in the upper midwest of US. Even within the US I think some of us lose sight on how much environment can impact performance of cattle and how we select genetics and make...
  4. SPH

    Update on rotational grazing

    Where are you located at? That 1st picture is pretty good regrowth after around 6 weeks of rest and we would be thrilled with that kind of regrowth so not sure why your cattle look so thin . That 3rd picture I agree with Lucky_P those cows BCS are poor and you are either overstocked or not...
  5. SPH

    Rotational Grazing

    We rotational graze about 10 pairs plus a couple heifers on a similar amount of acres. We have 2 main pastures and we split the larger of the 2 with electric fence as we usually bale 1 cutting of hay off the half we plan to graze last then by the time we are ready to graze it has grown back...
  6. SPH

    Ear Tagging

    We tag and tattoo calves within 24 hours of birth. We also fly tag in the opposite ear shortly before turning out to summer pasture and run everything through the chute when we do that. It won't harm them if you tag after a few months, it's just cartilage you are piercing and may get a little...
  7. SPH

    Herd Integration

    Give them time, if you buy a group of cows they probably will stick with cows they are familiar with in a new new environment until they are comfortable. We once bought a handful of cows off a dispersal sale from a couple states away and they pretty much kept to themselves for the first year or...
  8. SPH

    How much do you expect from 1st calf heifers?

    It really depends on your environment and herd management practices. We breed for calving ease so we expect them to calve unassisted and be a good mother to their calf. If they are lazy and aren't showing effort when in labor or are terrible mothers and have issues claiming their calves they...
  9. SPH

    First processed beef questions

    Yellow fat is usually a result of being on a mostly grass/forage diet instead of grain finished. Takes about 60-90 days on a mostly grain diet to turn yellow fat into white fat. You can find different articles about this by doing a Google search, here's a pretty decent explanation of it...
  10. SPH

    Replacement heifer nutrition

    I'd go 1-2% of body weight with some protein and mineral. You don't want to overdo it with replacement heifers as if they get too fat they can be hard to breed. We start to scale back on their feed as it gets warmer then turn them out with the mature cows a few weeks before breeding season so...
  11. SPH

    Jacking up settled barn post

    The area where the posts to the lean to is at gets pretty soggy especially in the spring which is why some of the posts rotted out because its usually muddy more than it is dry especially in the spring when we are calving and the cows are going in and out of there. We have some old bridge...
  12. SPH

    Jacking up settled barn post

    We've had some posts on our lean to off the barn rot out so we'll dig around the rotted post and put a treated post next to it and set in cement then jack up the rotted post enough to put the pitch of the roof back in line. Then will drill a hole and secure it to the post we set next to it with...
  13. SPH

    Bull advice

    A good yearling bull should be able to cover 15-20 females. If you have 5 heifers and and at a max are going to have 10 mature cows he'll be just fine. We usually recommend 1 female per month of age for the yearling bulls we sell but we have turned out yearling bulls we kept with over 20...
  14. SPH

    Any supplements/treats out there that is ok for grassfed folks?

    That's how we use AI in our registered purebred herd is trying to identify some proven AI sires and bloodlines to breed to as we usually breed around 20 females a year and try to AI around half of them. Most of our herd bulls lately have been bulls out of some of our best cows by a proven AI...
  15. SPH

    Any supplements/treats out there that is ok for grassfed folks?

    I question why you would partner on a bull with someone that has a different management philosophy than you do. This is something you probably should have talked over before you went into a partnership with them on the bull. I don't know your operation but if you do any kind of AI then...
  16. SPH

    How long for bull meat to get tender after castration?

    How old of a bull is he? At that weight you're fine castrating and he'll feed out fine as a steer. A long time ago we once butchered a yearling bull for ourselves that never developed like we had hoped he would. Was worried he might be tough and too lean but he actually turned out pretty...
  17. SPH

    using cow $hit as compost

    We pile our winter feeding areas up too and let it compost down a couple years and it also makes for a high place where the cows and calves can get out of the mud the following year too. I live in town and when we moved to our current house that had a lot of clay in the soil I hauled in a...
  18. SPH

    So it's still not spring

    Wind chill here was 1 this morning. This weather sucks! Some years guys are already itching to get the planters in the field and the way it is going right now they will be lucky to start planting by May 1. We've already had to treat a week old calve that we were worried about dying on us...
  19. SPH

    What is acceptable bull behavior?

    You are entitled to your opinion on that but I'd say that is in the eye of the beholder. I wouldn't be scared to turn my back on animal in our herd right now including the 2 bulls. I can only remember maybe 2 or 3 Hereford bulls we've ever had on the farm over the years that I couldn't say...
  20. SPH

    What is acceptable bull behavior?

    Our main criteria as been you have to feel safe around a bull enough that you don't have to worry about turning your back on him. Granted we're a little spoiled with the dispositions of Herefords but we bought a bull once that we shipped off after just 3 years because we didn't like his...