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  1. Farm Family

    Good morning!

    The delights of a mid May snow! Sorry did not take one of the cows today just our Missie here with her flock!
  2. Farm Family

    Moved heifers and second calvers home.

    🤣In our dreams…our place looks a lot like @gcreekrch…lots of snow on the ground, and green grass still a distant wish. (Sigh)
  3. Farm Family

    Replacement females???

    You make some terrific points and capture our feelings too…I 🥰seeing the genetic lineage develop and I love knowing who is who, seeing traits carry on through generations. Looking at a heifer and saying “man she is her great grandmother all over again” - and yes that is a good thing. Because we...
  4. Farm Family

    Replacement females???

    We raise our own…on the commercial and purebred sides. We know what works for us and like the familiarity of the genetic lines and the cattle knowing our expectations. When we have purchased, always purebred side, they have come from dispersals and we buy the proven more mature cows. I agree...
  5. Farm Family

    Culling Bred Cows?

    I was going to let sleeping dogs lie but seriously…"anonymously came into the discussion?" I posted the same day the question was asked Jan. 11th, 2024. In fact I posted 10 days before YOU. Jan. 22nd, 2024 was your first post on the subject! 10 days in…So let’s speak some truth on “coming into...
  6. Farm Family

    Culling Bred Cows?

    Thank you for saying…in many less words than me. 😊
  7. Farm Family

    Culling Bred Cows?

    I am not sure what you are asking me? "Choose to identify myself in that way"? I assume “Farm Family”? Not sure…Anyways…For your information we too make a living farming. We too have a family farm. I am not new to this industry! Not an expert but been around the agriculture block! I understand...
  8. Farm Family

    Culling Bred Cows?

    Perhaps the local Ag college who took our highschool ag students on a field day and discussed the shipping of “heavy bred cattle” was “rooted in some very bad experiences and/or misinformation”?🤷‍♀️ Perhaps…bad experiences but not misinformation given the fact one of these ”incidents” was...
  9. Farm Family

    Cold bitz

    Yes…unfortunately when the weather is so brutal! Normally it’s not so bad…Nice for disease management. Agreed those calves are thrifty! Ideally we will one day tighten the interval and calve them all a little later like you. Right now anything calving is an Ai and had an early preg check. So we...
  10. Farm Family

    Cold bitz

    @Josher are you calving?
  11. Farm Family

    Cold bitz

    Same🛶 And this is without wind chill!
  12. Farm Family

    Culling Bred Cows?

    People may not like what I have to say but I will say anyways…animal welfare imo is forefront. “Heavy bred cattle” should not be put through the stress of an Auction Mart. Like TCRanch said they often end up as slaughter and in our neck of woods unfair long transport distances for cattle to the...
  13. Farm Family

    Hello from Deep East Texas

    We are in a deep freeze, calving and snow.
  14. Farm Family

    I see train wreck coming

    Guys…I am sorry I missed something what does “Dave’s not here…”, and “a space oddity”??? I hate to say it but I don't understand the joke 🤷‍♀️😊 @Travlr and @gcreekrch
  15. Farm Family

    I see train wreck coming

    Haha I tried to bring it back round when I decided tea, coffee, cookies how exactly did this start and took a bit of time to investigate!! Yes a cattlemen’s derailment!! 😂 we do need an update Dave
  16. Farm Family

    I see train wreck coming

    Took a second to go back to page one…Dave I agree…I see a neighbour train wreck coming too! In fact…Dealing with my own neighbour train wreck. Citidiots bought the acreage across the way and they feel their dogs can freely roam, they live in the middle of nowhere and can do what they like with...
  17. Farm Family

    I see train wreck coming

    Haha…I read the title of the thread and thought…"what is this all about?" mainly cause I was thinking, as I am warming up with my tea, calving train wrecks in -40 weather. We are headed for a deep freeze. Always makes one extra vigilant but always seems extra challenging. Glad it's just cookies...
  18. Farm Family

    Hello from Deep East Texas

    They are saying Canada is in for a brown Christmas. Well not here…white as can be! It has been warm though…was 6C yesterday, which is 42F. Snow melting off the roofs. @Jeanne - Simme Valley I feel bad for you with mud…rather snow over mud. Merry Christmas everyone! 🎄
  19. Farm Family

    Looking for suggestions on calves

    Interesting thread and lots of great debate😊
  20. Farm Family

    Looking for suggestions on calves

    I liked 3192 too