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  1. F

    cow wants coffee grounds

    remember paste????
  2. F

    A calf name or two please?

    dont know either breed very well what kind of personalaity do they have?? I named my herford angus cross TANK because he lived through a lot in his first four says
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    P.S. from new beginner

    how bout culled???? I think i know what it means but i want to be sure
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    cow wants coffee grounds

    just a couple of times sprinkling it on his food and hes eating it better... he also like the hay i put out for him hes startin to fill out better not looking so weakly and thin so i'm not worried baout the coffee anymore just wonderin if anyone else has had a cow like coffee? :cboy:
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    cow wants coffee grounds

    foldgers ha ha its all hes had maybe ill bring him starbucks
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    cow wants coffee grounds

    the coffee is decaf so i'm not so worried about the caffenine levels but i'm looking into other minerals he need and may not be getting..... he has calf manna and sweet feed out for him along with grass and alfalfa hay so i'm imagining he has about everything any cow COULD have but thats just...
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    cow wants coffee grounds

    hi guys... my calf is much better these days however i'm havin a real hard time getting him to eat calf manna grass or hay.... he will eat it just very small amounts and with the was he was sick in the past i dont want to wean him from milk in any hurry just to make him eat... i have found...
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    Want to Raise Bottle Calves

    raising bottle babies is a very difficult task... it takes a lot out a person...ies out of thier wallet out of there freetime... out of there work time.... out of there stress freetime... its a lot of work, especially when it is touch and go with so many of them you dont know if they are...
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    sucking problem

    my boy has been down twice since hes been born, so the only thing i can say is personal experience recently WE had to force feed him for a couple of days and what you are describing is exactally how mine started.. get him eating somehow and get a hold of a vet to get you something... nuflor...
  10. F


    great now just by reading this i have chiggers crawlin on me i feel em Its bad to its what my family calls chiggeritis only way i been able to not get them is to not have gaps in clothing openings and use lots of bug spray... have y'all heard of the clothing spray repel permanone its is...
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    Cattle Ponds

    we havea lakes here with our cows.. can't say that any of them have ever fallen in during ice weather.. however keep clear of erosion cliffs... we have lost quite a few calves from the momma having them to close to the water
  12. F

    4 years since i raised a baby calf... hes coughing help?

    Just wanted to come back and let you all know that tank is doing sooo much better... he even ran around the house/yard with me yesterday not a sign off a cough after that he loves to play and cant get enough food now... i just hope that its stays that way ok so i can't figure out how to put a...
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    4 years since i raised a baby calf... hes coughing help?

    i just wanted to send a note to all who have been giving me advice first of all thanks you so much :) seond i went out today on my lunch hour and the baby in question (TANK) was up and running around like a bat outta you know where he was lively and no coughing his appetite is back to 110 % and...
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    4 years since i raised a baby calf... hes coughing help?

    also... the pasture where he is kept is next to the chicken coop however there is very little area where the air from in there can travel to him could this be a problem also??? i know humans can get sick from chickens, but not sure about cattle i would worry more about them when the weather...
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    4 years since i raised a baby calf... hes coughing help?

    :mad: indiana vets must be extremely busy this time a year, it took me three days to get ahold of one that could help me and then it wasn't even him but his wife, (also a vet) they couldn't come and see him but let me come by and pick up nuflor, his firt shot was this afternoon he was already...
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    4 years since i raised a baby calf... hes coughing help?

    hi temp is back to normal today now hes just coughing a little gonna call the vet today
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    4 years since i raised a baby calf... hes coughing help?

    thanks o much y'all i'm working on what i can do till i can get ahold of the vet hes still eating well and up moving around alot runnin with me and stuff is that normal for pnemonia?? :?: ? you guys are a big help
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    4 years since i raised a baby calf... hes coughing help?

    ok then we have a temp. 104 its sunday and vets around here dont have a tendency to come out easily on a sunday what can i do??
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    4 years since i raised a baby calf... hes coughing help?

    what is a normal temp for a calf??? i feel ignorant, but i promise i'm not
  20. F

    4 years since i raised a baby calf... hes coughing help?

    Hi Ive been farming for a while but its been about four years since ive had a momma not take its baby, so this year i'm raising one from a bottle, hes right at amonth old, and has started coughing. My last calf never did this and i'ma very worried momma any suggestions??? Thanks so much :cboy: