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  1. S

    Sick calf

    I had actually found the heifer calf earlier in the day and it was bawling and was sitting up on its rear like it was getting up. But it did not get up. I mentioned to someone that I thought it was having problems. So it was a couple hours later when I found it up against the tree. When we...
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    Sick calf

    Can a calf die from eating wild turkey droppings? A friend said he had 3 calves die and had an autopsy done on one and was told it was poisoning from turkey droppings. Have you heard of this? I have a sick 4 month old heifer that I found today and she was unable to get up. She was downhill...
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    cow with hurt foot

    Since I am new to all of this, what do you mean put "wheels under her?" This happened probably 2 weeks ago. She was limping after it happened, but my farm helper found her and I did not even see the actual place. I thought it was on the front leg but it was the back leg, so there was nothing I...
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    cow with hurt foot

    I have a cow that got her back leg caught in cattle rub that was hanging in the barn. We found her and I think she had been caught up in it for about 6 hours. It has been a week, and her leg or ankle looks worse now than when it happened. We had to cut it off of her. Maybe the circulation was...
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    calf with forked tongue

    I was told by someone that the calf bit it's tongue off. But if this is true, would the tongue not be shaped like a upside down U inside of appearing like U? They said she would not be able to eat grass, but would be okay with hay.
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    calf with forked tongue

    Has anyone ever had a calf that had a forked tongue. I have a set of twins about 1 month old and have noticed that the heifer was always drooling. I got a couple of feet from her and she had a large blister on the side of her mouth. While I was watching her, the blister busted, and she was...
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    calf problem glassy eyes

    The little guy died. We worked with him for over 2 weeks. There had to be something bad wrong with him. He took only 1 bottle. He did get his eyesight back, but was never strong and still would not nurse.
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    calf problem glassy eyes

    He can walk out into the barn lot, and does. However, he is seems out of it and like he is in a daze. He has the old cow with him so I don't think he is depressed. There are a couple of litle calves nursing the old cow. His eyes look normal and I think he can see. He just has no interest in milk...
  9. S

    calf problem glassy eyes

    I don't think he was hurt by the mother cow. She has always been an excellent mother. She just does not like being in the barn. But I think he might have gotten dehyrated. But he is almost 2 weeks old and still does not nurse. We got him to suck 1 bottle, but then he refused to take it. He is...
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    calf problem glassy eyes

    I found him on Wed morning stuck in the ditch in mud and he was wet and could not stand up. For 2 days we gave him electrolytes and some milk replacer. His mom would not even come in the barn to be with him. Went we put her in the barn, she was going crazy and broke through the gate. If we had...
  11. S

    calf problem glassy eyes

    I am hoping that some of you experts can give me some advice. I have a calf that is 4 days old. I found him this morning in a ditch stuck in the mud and he could not get out. I got him out and he was unable to stand. He must have been there most of the night. We got him to the barn, and got him...