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  1. okiek

    Hormone Implants

    I implant all my steer calves with Ralgro when I band them near birth. They get a second dose at vaccination time. Never seen an ear problem with them. I like the results but when you do the all it's hard to give specifics. I've never kept a control group of the same calves.
  2. okiek

    Wormer question

    I definitely agree with the 2 prong approach Lucky recommended. I've had 2 vets who do nothing but cattle strongly suggest that approach. It pays off. Safeguard + Cydectin for me for the ones that need it in the spring.
  3. okiek

    Losing a first calf cow

    Thanks for all the replies. Sorry I just saw them. It's been a rocking busy week. The cow died shortly after my last post. I've lost cows before and know I will again. This heifer season has been an especially rough one. If I ever lost a cow from a rough pull it would have been in the 70's...
  4. okiek

    Losing a first calf cow

    Thanks Buck I appreciate it. I've been in some form of the cattle business off and on for 50 years and this is the first time I've bought a set of heifers that were more like my horses to me than cattle. Naturally, I'd have a rough calving year with this group!!
  5. okiek

    Losing a first calf cow

    It's killing me. I should probably go shoot her but this group of heifers is my favorite I've ever owned and I just can't do it.
  6. okiek

    Losing a first calf cow

    I came home about 72 hours ago now to find a first calf heifer in labor with a breech calf. I worked a while but couldn't push the calf in far enough to find hocks. I decided I needed help and called my vet who responded. When he found hocks he struggled and struggled to pull the breech calf...
  7. okiek

    Do you all feed?

    November 1 I start feeding 1lb phpd of 34% protein plus cubes. The last month before calves are born I'll switch to 2 1/2 lb 20% cake phpd. Cows will have nothing but dry grass till 12-1 or later if it lasts, then they'll get quality hay (Coastal or Midland 99 Bermuda). After calving the 20%...
  8. okiek

    Which syringe gun to buy?

    Love my Allflex guns. We're probably all a little different on needles. I personally use 1" or less for sub Q injections and 1 1/2' for everything IM.
  9. okiek

    Vaccine OD question

    I completely agree on that package insert thing. That's what started me writing on the bottle label with a sharpie. I can't tell you how many times I've had to look on the net to find dosage after I threw an insert away!!
  10. okiek

    Vaccine OD question

    I guess that means you're old enough to need reader too !!! HA I do the same thing but didn't realize she bought something different until I was in the middle of vaccinating. The bottle she bought had the dosage written by a 14 year old kid with eyes better than mine!! It wasn't till I got...
  11. okiek

    Vaccine OD question

    I think I like the idea of the smaller dosage (Especially if it saves $) I just have to learn to read the new label before I have cattle in the chute!!! Thanks again everyone!!
  12. okiek

    Vaccine OD question

    Thanks for the replies. Injection site lumps never worry me and it is definitely a long way from their heart! In my 40 years of vaccinating horses and cattle I never remember making an overdose of vaccine quite that bad. That one concerned me a little!
  13. okiek

    Vaccine OD question

    By the way I tried calling Merck but can't find a line they will answer before Monday.
  14. okiek

    Vaccine OD question

    I had a group of 30 3 month old calves to work this morning. I asked my wife to get me another bottle of Covexin 8 last week because I knew I'd run out. They were out so she got Cavalry 9 (Also by Merck). Sure enough, with 5 calves left to vaccinate I ran out. Like an idiot, I grabbed the...
  15. okiek

    Hoof - white or black

    I don't know about official studies either but having owned over 50 horses over the last 53 years, and having done my share of horse shoeing, I can tell you it's more than an old wives tale (With horses at least). Not sure I feel as strongly as young Mattie Ross did in True Grit, but as she...
  16. okiek

    @!#$%&*# Foot Rot is consuming my life

    Without seeing the entire post, I don't know what the thoughts are, but last year I had a spooky cow come up lame with foot rot. By the time I got her penned she was limping worse than I liked. Over 8 days, she got 4 rounds of LA 200 before the limp stopped. I was out of Koppertox. I feel...
  17. okiek

    Receiving new cattle

    I buy stockers every year. In another thread I discussed that in the past I gave Micotil immediately as a precaution, but have gotten away from it due to the dangers to the handler. As was said, Draxxin is expensive. Here is my current protocol: Virashield 6 Covexin 8 Pour on wormer Pour on...
  18. okiek


    My vet strongly recommended me to use the CTC in my minera this year due to some cases in the somewhat local area. Really makes it hard to make a decision when it’s so split like it is. Same here
  19. okiek

    Ticks - Ticks and more Ticks

    I can't see any difference in spraying them with that mix, and puting it on a rub, however,my feed store, who also has a 300 head herd, advised against it. Still don't see a problem, but they didn't like it. I agree the ticks are THICK in OK this year!!!
  20. okiek

    Stocker buyer question

    I appreciate all the replies. I think I will take a temp on all of them when they go back through the chute this weekend. Glad I asked. That is a lot cheaper than throwing antibiotic at them all. Mineral will have CTC too as these calves will be right on the Red River. Finally, KY Hill, I...