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  1. B

    Bucket Calves Costs?

    Why couldn't a person wean them off calf starter by introducing hay to them to build the correct rumen microbes and then kick them out on grass and forego the cost of grain? †
  2. B

    Bucket Calves Costs?

    Thanks. I'm also needing to figure in pasture lease costs and fuel. I want to do a comparison to buying stockers. †
  3. B

    Bucket Calves Costs?

    Thanks Suzeorse. So maybe 2 50# bags of replacer, 2 50# bags of starter and 6# of grain for 5 months is about a 1/2 ton, or rather, 1000#. Are you buying your grain from a feed store or getting it from a mill? Mixed grains or straight? I'm thinking maybe $25. for meds, vacs, wormer and a...
  4. B

    Bucket Calves Costs?

    Does anyone have a handle on costs to get bucket calves to pasture? Purchase price aside, how much milk replacer, meds, calf starter and grain is required to get them from 2-3 days old to weaned and on straight pasture? Thanks. †