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  1. T

    Lutalyse (PG ingection)

    Thank You
  2. T

    Lutalyse (PG ingection)

    Can you only get Lute through a Vet? (Rx)
  3. T

    Died in chute

    I talked to my father-in law (dairy-man 1000 milkers) as well as the vet, both said antiphylactic shock.
  4. T

    Died in chute

    Well I ran all of my head through the chute today and gave boosters, ear tags, and banding bull calves. The last one to go through was a 6 month old bull calf, gave it the boosters and down it went dead right there. Same boosters as all others and all others doing fine.
  5. T

    Cow Shade?

    Here in northern Cal it is a good idea to give them shade