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  1. P

    Not Collecting For A Long Time?

    Actually If the bull is not with females or being collected from he will naturally relieve hisself..... Yea. Its kinda wierd but thats the way it works. he should be just fine. Shelby
  2. P

    Just a Quick Survey...

    when most of you say "mineral" do you get a pure mineral supplement or is it mixed with salt? I was unaware that such a product exhisted. What are the brands/companies that make it? Thanks Shelby
  3. P

    Meds to have on hand...

    What types of meds(antibiotics etc) do you usually have on hand for emergencies of all kinds? Im looking for name brands here. thanks Shelby
  4. P

    Calf born dead with malformed lip and nostril

    It is most likey caused by a gross zinc deficency... and general deficency. Shelby
  5. P

    Calf born dead with malformed lip and nostril

    Cleft combonation with Cleft Lip sounds like what your calf had. This is caused by a general vitamin and mineral deficency during early development. This deformity can be prevented easily with a good vitamin and mineral plan for your cows. if you have one in place try a different...
  6. P

    Jersey Cow Down

    Propylene Glycol is only administered orally. Usually done in a drench. If I remember correctly it is used to treat Ketosis... What does the cows breath smell like? Is it normal, brewery type smell or very sweet and sickly? if it is sweet she could have ketosis.. Keep us posted. Shelby
  7. P

    I need help with a down calf

    Sorry to hear of your loss. To help future cases make sure you have the vet do a necropsy. This will tell you what it was and if it was preventable tell you how to stop it from happening again. Shelby
  8. P

    I need help with a down calf

    Two years ago I had a cow that exhibited strange symptoms Like Staggering, Tense Muscles, and Teeth grinding. After going to one vet and getting a diagnosis of a brain tumor I got a second and third opinion. The second vet had no Idea. The third vet did a blood test(the first one done) 3 days...
  9. P

    Canadian admits to feeding chicken feed to cattle

    I have elimiated any chance of my cattle being exposed to possibly infected feeds by using only whole unprocessed grains (except cracked or rolled) and only salt and mineral supplements that are animal fat and protien free to all my animals(cows, goats, chickens, pigs, horses.) this way I dont...
  10. P

    Poisonous Plants

    Well if thats the case then they had better get out their botany books and start listing every plant they find because all are capable of causeing injury or death. things like carrots Ya eat too many carrots and you are going to be in pain. But it is a good site for the really toxic plants like...
  11. P

    Poisonous Plants

    OK SINCE WHEN HAS ALFALFA BEEN TOXIC TO COWS???? This I just don't get. Shelby
  12. P

    Calf deformities

    I am looking for different inherited and nutritional deformaties found in cattle. I just need names. Things like Mule foot, two headed calves, cleft palet. Please help it is for fair. Thanks, PLR
  13. P

    Sick Calf

    It sounds like your calf is doing fine. Premies and Bottle babies are usually smaller until they are about a year old then they grow like weeds. It sounds like your calf has pink eye and should get treatment soon. The blue spot could eventually turn into an Ulcer and cause partial or total...
  14. P

    2 month old orphan

    Two years ago I had a cow get Grass teteny and die. She had a one month old bull calf at the time. We tried to get him to take a bottle but he refused so We tubed him with milk replacer once. After that we tried something the local ranchers never would have thought would work: I mixed the milk...