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  1. L

    Hormone Implants

    If you don’t creep feed and only have your cows on grass does it work? I know gains won’t be as much but will it help any?
  2. L

    Hormone Implants

    How much weight would you say it adds? I just watched a video on synovex grass one They had a chart showing 50 pound gains. They said it last for 200 days so you get more gains. People I have talked with also use ralgro and say it adds 20-25 pounds.
  3. L

    Hormone Implants

    Does anyone use any hormone implants in their calves? I never have but hear they add 20-25 lbs to you calf.
  4. L


    What kind of minerals do you use for your beef cows? I go back and forth between wind and rain which is $25-$30 a bad and a cheep bag for $10. Is the more expensive worth the money?
  5. L

    LA300 vs Nuflor for foot rot

    Washed it out good. No cut, smell, debris, or swelling. His back left foot was tender to the touch. He didn’t like the back soft part of his foot being touched.
  6. L

    LA300 vs Nuflor for foot rot

    What is nuflor used for?
  7. L

    LA300 vs Nuflor for foot rot

    I have a bull with what I think is foot rot. Limping bad. The vet said start with LA300. I gave him a shot yesterday. He hasn’t improved. It always seems LA300 doesn’t get the job done. I have a friend that says I should try Nuflor. Is Nuflor a lot better?
  8. L

    Ring worms

    Has anyone ever had ring worms with there cows? My vet told me to use a plant fungicide to get rid of them. Does anyone know how to treat them?