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  1. C

    Mastitis treatment

    Looks like I have a pretty severe case of mastitis, I treated this cow with LA 200, I'm just checking with you guys to see if there is anything better out there, I've been lucky it's been years since I've had any mastitis.
  2. C

    Cheap mineral

    We did an experiment this year, we had a portion of our herd on non name brand all season mineral that cost $13.50 per bag. The other portion was left on the Purina wind and rain, that our local supplier charges $19.00 for. We have noticed no difference in shape of the cattle, attitudes of the...
  3. C

    Sick Heifer

    Still stumbling a bit, but doing better we don't think it is the calf causing discomfort. She acts like she isn't getting enough mineral which is strange because they always have free choice mineral. But I guess that doesn't mean she is using it.
  4. C

    Sick Heifer

    Yes she is drinking and eating, her manure looks dry, so I did some checking to make sure it wasn't dehydration, she might be a bit dehydrated but not a lot. Vet coming tomorrow AM.
  5. C

    Sick Heifer

    Been at this a long time and have never seen this before. First calf heifer that is probably a week away from calving. I noticed her laying down and looking sick, I made her get up and she stumbled about like me after 6 Coors. Now I have her locked up, she is still stumbling a bit and foaming at...