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  1. B

    Heifer with warts

    Also ear tag cutters work pretty good for cutting warts off . Not that you would want to cut that many off.... but if there are just one or two it will get them off quick. Also safer than trying to do it with a pocket knife while they are slinging their head.
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    Heifer with warts

    Cut a piece of wart off and inject it back into the animal. It works. Smash it up real fine and mix it with a sterile solution and use a fat needle so it can pass through . Maybe inject another shot of sterile solution to make sure it’s not hung up in the needle. Another method is to take a...
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    Cow came up limping

    Hoof pointing down is a good thing. When it points up then you start to get worried.
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    Lump/abscess after vaccinations

    10-4. What I am referring to are actual abscesses.
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    Lump/abscess after vaccinations

    If it’s a lump caused by a reaction to the vaccine that’s not an abscess then what I said doesn’t apply. My statement was about abscesses.
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    Lump/abscess after vaccinations

    Pretty much all injection site abscesses are due to a dirty or damaged needle . They aren’t going to make them sick or limp, it just looks bad and they may not get the medicine you gave them because it is encapsulated in the abscess . You need to start with a new and clean needle and change it...
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    Also like someone else said, flies are the main culprit and an ounce of prevention is worth a lb. of cure. High grass and weeds can do it too but probably at least 90% is flies. I put a fly tag in each ear when the flies start getting bad and this takes care of most pinkeye problems as long as...
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    LA does work (same active ingredient as Biomycin) but u probably need to come back after 3 days and hit them again. If it’s really bad u may have to keep giving it several times. I wouldn’t give it any more often than every 3 days though. Draxxin is really good on pinkeye if you can get some...
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    Banding Problem?

    We used to buy some big cutter bulls and we always banded them with a California bander (get it tight) and split the sack up the middle about half way. Splitting the sack keeps it from swelling up so much and it dries up faster . Any way you do it is hard on them at that stage but this is...
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    Banding Problem?

    At 2 months old just knife cut them... they won’t ever look back. Banding is really only a possibly better or equally good option when they get a little older and have a big set.
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    Hairy Udder ?

    If we ever had a heifer ( we only ran stockers) with too much hair on her lady parts, he would grunt "hormone problems" . Thats what i know. Ur Welcome