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  1. kjonesel

    Where'd the money go?

    I see this BS every day. Just got the electrical job on a 30 apartment building to house the homeless. I wondered what was wrong with a homeless shelter.
  2. kjonesel

    Treated wood vs Pipe

    I have a friend who is building one out of fiberglass poles. He claims that it should last a long time and should be very strong. I don't know how it will take the forces of crowding cattle though. Time will tell.
  3. kjonesel

    Memorial Day

    We should all be made to sit down and watch and hear what the brave men have done to keep us free. Many thanks for posting this I will share it with others. God Bless America!
  4. kjonesel

    Killer cows! People need to be protected!

    Maybe we should just stop protecting the stupid. The fact that the cows were protecting their calves is only natural. I tell everyone that even though I don't buy into it the evolutionists believe the stupid shall perish. This was just evolution taking its course according to them.
  5. kjonesel

    Curious minds want to know

    That will teach the judge to think before he smarts off. I have seen my share of arrogant judges and I have a preconceived notion of how the question was asked.
  6. kjonesel

    Last night's storm

    I'd hate to be an insurance company.
  7. kjonesel


    Watched a brother in law who made a six figure income steal the estate from my wife right down to the coin collection my wife gave her mother. We were barely paying our bills. Fast forward 6 years his 3 kids have nothing to do with him, ours are in college and still love us. God does have a way...
  8. kjonesel

    favorite merle song

    I would have to say his cover of Cherokee Maiden. But if it was his song Silver Wings.
  9. kjonesel

    I just did my taxes

    I went to a Farm Bureau meeting 42 years ago and my cousin that grew up on a farm in the area spoke. He had just begun working as a CPA and he was to speak on tax preparation for farmers. He began with " I wish I could pay a million dollars a year in taxes, because with what I know I would have...
  10. kjonesel

    Picked up a hitchhiker today...

    You can sure see the orange tag. If it didn't have it in you could drive on by and not seen it. I come to realize that with a cow calf operation you never get bored, there is always a surprise.
  11. kjonesel

    Asking for prayers.

    Tell your wife to never compromise her principles, as long as they are biblically sound. I am an employer and there are others like me who seek out employees such as her husband and herself. One of the most astonishing things I was ever told was from an atheist employer I knew. He said, "I only...
  12. kjonesel

    Wild pigs

    I showed this to my son who is a student at an engineering college, he posted it and it has got some of his fellow students talking. Thanks for posting this.
  13. kjonesel

    Last of the Mohicans

    It seems like a death is always a time of reflection and also a good time for one to put things in perspective. I used to think that growing old was what I wanted to do till I listened to my wife's grandmother say when she was 92 that it was lonely when you reach that age. All of her friends...
  14. kjonesel

    Wild pigs

    CB you are correct. I do service work and I "give" a lot of work away by telling people over the phone how to correct their problems, which are normally simple. I just can't stand to see them pay me for a service call and then think I'm taking advantage of them when it was something simple. In...
  15. kjonesel

    Birth control = population control.

    The "problem" of overpopulation has been around for generations. Daniel Boone moved west because it was way too populated. If you have faith in God he tells us to procreate. Why does mankind consistently try to out think our creator. I use as proof that God will provide one instance of his...
  16. kjonesel

    Sale barn fire.

    I heard on the radio that the Governor toured the site and proclaimed the state would help them rebuild. I wonder if he has a clue how many new regulations the facility will have to meet. It would surprise me if it is ever rebuilt.
  17. kjonesel

    Asking for prayers

    May God look over him and all our troops. He and his family are at the top of my list tonight.
  18. kjonesel

    What Did you get for Christmas

    Same here. I've been away for a few weeks also. Sounds like you ended up having a lot to be thankful for. I'm going to the dentist tomorrow for a couple of fillings maybe I had better check my life insurance premiums. Its pretty awesome when you think about it that you were in the hospital when...
  19. kjonesel

    It caused the downfall of society!

    Like any advancement, leave it to mankind to pervert it. All in all the internet is very useful.
  20. kjonesel

    Got Snow?

    I was just thinking this evening that it was pretty odd that I still haven't put the heaters in the stock tanks. It has gotten up to 40 today and has gotten down to 24 the past two nights with sunshine all day. It is just now beginning to get dry enough to walk across the fields as we had 5 plus...