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  1. T

    Property Taxes

    Our property taxes have gone down, which is unheard of. The state passed a law mandating yearly property values and they inched up during the boom before the recession. When the recession hit the law backfired and year after year real-estate prices have fallen.
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    Most Interesting Man in the World Retiring

    I decided to like the commercials once I learned he played on The Rockford Files.
  3. T

    Does anybody ever get mad here?

    I am not going to allow an internet forum to dictate my moods. We all chose to come here to share and learn. If I got mad then I would just stay away. I do not miss some of the attitudes that no longer post here.
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    Future Prices

    Hay pretty much stands alone and is difficult to compare to grain crops. Hay is also harvested multiple times per season compared to just one harvest for beans or corn.
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    A cattlemen's protest in Washington DC for the Hammonds.

    It did a lot more than was given credit at the time. I read an article not long ago about the affect. It was the first time farmers had joined in force and stood up as one. Really shook up the folks in Washington.
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    Grass Fed Marketing Claim Standard

    I once fed a blend of soy hulls/peanut hulls/corn gluten and it was deemed grass feed. Cows did well on it.
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    Request for Prayers

  8. T

    Darn coon hunters again!

    Had them come up the driveway at 2 AM. My wife wakes me up. I go out on the back deck in my drawers and a side arm. The truck lights are shining on the pasture gate and one fellow is opening it. The driver says they are tacking their coon dogs and by law have the right to trespass. Did not sit...
  9. T

    Bull Found Dead & Mutilated

    The bull could have died of natural causes and someone took his parts. Strange that the Vet could not find a bullet hole or cause of death. It will be interesting to see if toxicology finds poison. It would be hard to poison one member of a herd. Most of the herd would trample a person trying to...
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    Pizzing Contests

    It is all about who wins in the end. Allow mw to explain. A gambler and his lawyer attend an IRS audit. The auditor says a person can not claim to have made $90 k gambling. The old man says he is a good gambler. The agent asks for an example. The gambler bets the auditor $1,500 that he can...
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    Sale Barn Lingo?
  12. T

    Sale Barn Lingo?

    The sale I go to does not allow trader cattle. Order buyers come from far and wide to buy there. Home grown cattle are listed as SV on the screen. There are two other sales an hour up the road that take trader cattle. We have one auctioneer that sells pairs, single cows and bulls. He will call...
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    Sale Barn Lingo?

    A wet bad cow may be pulled down a little and will pick back up with a little grass or feed. Hard Calf is weaned with little grass or feed, had a hard body. They sell well here, not buying a bunch of shrink.
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    A question on size.

    It may cost a little more to have baled if you pay by the roll. It will be worth it in the long run because you get twice as much hay.
  15. T

    I love white faced calves

    Nice looking calves. Black Baldies and Buckskin Baldies are topping the stocker sales here.
  16. T

    Righty or Lefty?

    There are two simple ways to check. One is just as good as the other. Pick a small object some distance away. Extend your hands in front of your face. Hold the hands close together and leave a small opening. While looking at the object with both eyes open, close one eye. Open it and close the...
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    Righty or Lefty?

    Is she right or left eye dominant?
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    6th grade Dallas Tx teacher

    Would have been run out of town on a rail in these parts. I was a little shocked when the mother was told to erase the recording and do nothing. The follow up said it was not confirmed that an investigation was ongoing. Never figured any school board in Texas would tolerate what he said to those...
  19. T

    Anyone here ever held a public office?

    I was nominated for two different Director/Supervisor board positions last fall. Never thought much about it until I received the letters telling me I had won both elections and had to be sworn in. Both are Ag related with regular meetings. I have learned a lot.
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    Funniest thing I've seen in a long time.

    Good one. I like this one also, kind of a follow up: My favorite is the before and after calf on branding day. I can only find it on Facebook.